"Are you okay? Y-you literally started to freeze up." I heard Varian say and I nodded slowly. "Y-yeah...I-I think so? The toadstool ring is completely dead. I'm going to have to replant it and help it grow faster." I said and I stared down at the dead plants. "Sapphires?" I asked softly and he hummed in response.

"I-I...I felt Cassandra." I said softly before looking up at him. His eyes were wide and he nodded. "Let's hurry and find Ruddiger. Then we can find Rapunzel." He said and I nodded. He gently took my hand and we started making our way through the kingdom before white covered my vision.

The white disappeared and music was playing and the entire town was dancing around me as I spun to the center of the crowd. "Off with a spring in my step." I sang with a large smile as I skipped and kicked up my skirt. "The sailors are searching Galway for a young lady, such as yourself." I sang gesturing towards a girl around my age who was dancing with Varian. I gave her a bow before turned around. My skirt turning with me as I faced another girl around my age who was simply staring at me with a soft blush across her cheeks. "For reels and jigs and maybe more." I sang picking my skirt up and swaying it side to side before kicking it up. I saw Catalina and Kiera start to make their way towards me. Before the reached me, everything turned white once more.

The feeling of a hand gently running through my hair slowly woke me up. Not long after I fully started to wake up, soft humming was heard above me. I let out a soft content sigh as I recognized it as Varian. His chest vibrated as he continued humming and gently running his hand through my hair. I kept my eyes closed as I stayed where I was too comfortable and happy to move. I felt his hand stop moving in my hair as he placed a long gently kiss to my head.

"You have absolutely no idea how much you mean to me, (Y/n)." He said softly before running his hand through my hair once more. "Everything you do, I adore so much." He said and he chest rose and fell with each soft breath he took. "Like how you scrunch your nose up when you smell or hear something that grosses you out. How you're calm and collected around new people, but are a bursting ball of energy with snarky comebacks around your friends. How dedicated you are to your craft, even after so many people have put you down for it. You've been through a lot and are still going through things that I couldn't even begin to understand. But you still are here, smiling everyday and being here for all of us no matter the cost. I really admire that about you." He said soft enough so I could barely hear.

"I can't even begin to think of what is going through that beautiful mind of yours." He said and I hugged him closer to me making his breath hitch. "The only thing going through my mind is just how much I love you." I said as I looked up at him. My voice was rough and scratchy as I spoke. And Varian had a blush on his cheeks.

"Y-you didn't hear all of that d-did you?" He asked and I smiled up at him. "Was I not supposed to?" I asked softly as I moved my hands to rest them on his chest. "I-I...y-yes? N-no? I-I don't know." He said and I smiled at him. "You're cute when you're embarrassed and stuttering." I said with a soft smirk and I smiled as I saw the blush on his cheeks get darker.

"Th-that's not fair! I'm supposed to be telling you that." He said and I laughed. "Whatever you say, Sapphires." I said before getting off of him and stretching. My back and shoulders cracked as I stretched and Varian stared at me with wide eyes. "Are you okay? Because I think I just heard you break the entirety of your back." He said and I laughed as I shook my head no.

I crawled out of the pillow fort that had somehow stayed up all night. Sunny was laying on the bed on his back and I pet his stomach. He latched onto my hand with his claws and I carefully pulled him off of me. I stood in front of the mirror in the room and snapped my fingers. White surrounded my figure before disappearing. I looked at myself in the mirror as I was now wearing a black and white dress, black boots, and a black and white witch hat. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw Varian coming out of the fort.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now