The Party

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Sometime later, Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie as 3 14 year old girls are dropped off at a birthday party for the daughter of a worker in the lab. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie are hesitant and self-conscious, but Nathan encourage them, giving them a book of poetry as a birthday present, before driving away. As soon as adult supervision has left the house, the attendees break out alcohol and marijuana. Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie has the option to drink beer and smoke weed to try to fit in. Maddie can dance with Matt and have her first kiss.

They then ask Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie questions. If they tell the truth about their life, the kids will scoff at them — pressured into proving it, they does so, frightening the others. Kirsten says it's time to eat cake and open her presents. When Kirsten opens Jodie's, Y/N's, and Maddie's present, an old book of Edgar Allen Poe poems, she becomes incensed, dissing Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie. Kirsten encourages the teenagers to turn on Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie, and lock them in a cupboard underneath the staircase. With Aiden's, B/N's, and Loki's help they can either escape and leave, or escape and get revenge.

There are four ways to end this chapter; three of them involve the revenge path:

Choose Revenge — Aiden, B/N, and Loki will frighten and cause harm to the teens, eventually setting the living room on fire. The teens escape the house and run into Kristen's mother, who embraces Kirsten. Kirsten will call Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie a devil, and Nathan takes a distressed Jodie, Y/N, and Maddie back to the DPA facility. This will unlock the Revenge trophy.

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