Santana's phone buzzes and she picks it up from her bed. I don't mean to, but I end up listening in on her conversation.

"Hi Mami...yes I've I didn't miss my flight. Tell Rosa I'm going to kill her for turning off my, it wasn't an accident...she's going to miss me? Mami, she's sixteen. She can cope without me for a few months." We make eye contact and she rolls her eyes, then goes back to talking.

"Yes I've met my she doesn't want to say hi. Don't you have a job to be doing? Okay, I'll talk to you later... No! Not FaceTime. Listen, we can talk later. Bye, bye. Love you."

She hangs up and throws her phone on her bed, then lies down beside it.

"Ugh, I hate my family. They're all so annoying. The reason I came all the way here, was to get away from them. Is your mom coping with you leaving?"

I shrug "yeah, I guess. It's a miracle me even getting to college, so I think she's more happy about that than anything." Santana nods "yeah, I worked my ass off to get here. I mean, I have three other siblings for my mom to worry about. Can she just let me go?"

"Three? Wow, you're so lucky." She sits up and looks at me with an expression of genuine concern on her face. "Lucky? Oh no, I'm not lucky. Let me guess, you're an only child?" I nod "okay. First off, the best decision your parents made was stopping after you. That way you get to be the golden child, and not worry about being outshone. Then there's the fact that you have your own bedroom, and your parents will do everything and anything for you."

I go over to her pinboard and motion to the picture
"Is that them? Your siblings?" She nods and comes over to stand beside me.
"Yep. The girl, that's Rosa, she's 16. The tall boy, he's Carlos, 14. And the little cutie in the middle, that's Fernando. Stupid name, I think my Mami was delusional when she picked it. He's 8, and the best human in the world."

Her face softens, and then she turns back to face me
"Just when I thought my parents were done, boom! He pops out. If he wasn't so goddamn cute, then we would have serious issues."

"Well, I'm still kind of jealous. It must have been fun growing up with them."
She shrugs "it was okay. But very, very loud. And I've never had my own room. I'm trying to avoid all contact with them, and you should as well."
"Aww. I wouldn't have minded talking to your mom, she seemed nice."
"Yes. But it's a slippery slope. First it's talking over the phone, then she's following you on Facebook and commenting on your photos from 8 years ago."
I almost laugh at the deadly expression on her face.
"Wow. Okay, I won't talk to your mom."
She nods "and that's my good deed for today."

Santana's POV
I turn away and go into the kitchen. I didn't really get a good look at it earlier, I was too busy defending my goods. Anyway, it's perfect time to check it out now. Brittany follows me in. She seems sweet, but kind of two dimensional. But she's not a bitch, which is good, and I can make other friends. Maybe not the girl on the second floor, she probably doesn't like me, but I'll have other opportunities.

I look through all the cupboards and drawers. There's a fridge/freezer, a microwave, a dodgy looking oven, a stove and a tiny countertop. There's two of everything; glasses, plates, bowls, mugs and cutlery. But I can't see the most important thing.

"No, no, no. Where is it." I mumble to myself as I look through the cupboards. Brittany lifts herself up onto the countertop and swings her legs.
"What you looking for?" She asks, tilting her head to the side.
"The coffee machine. I don't have the funds to buy one every day, and me without caffeine is a dangerous game."

There's one last cupboard, but the handle is up too high. I turn to Brittany, already embarrassed from what I'm about to ask.
"Can you..reach up and open up the cupboard? The one at the top." To her credit, she doesn't make a short joke like everyone else on this freakin planet. Instead she jumps off the counter, reaches up, and opens the door. Then I see the most glorious thing on the planet.

My Roommate (Brittana Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang