Werewolf rant...again

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Dedicated to @Bubble12

Okay, i just wanna know why a 17/18 year old boy is leading an entire race of people when there are others stronger, smarter, and wiser than this fool.

All he's worried about is if his new toy is home alone so they can...play scrabble.

The author is never even being realistic when it comes to the guys.

▪The guy always looks like Aphrodite herself pushed him out the hooha, Mr Perfect.

For once, i want an average looking dude in the story that doesn't look like he just walked off the the runway. One without peircing blue eyes, standing at 6'2, a deep seductive voice, smirk always on their face, abs for days, hair with the inability to look messy and when it is, it looks attractive.

For crying out loud, i want a guy that doesn't have a big, long, pink, ding dong penis.

Talkin' 'bout Mr 14 inches. Is that even possible? If so, I'll be more worried about what the fuck he's taking to achieve such a size.

And, not to be racist here, but why hasn't there been a black alpha?

I've seen a black luna, but not a black alpha.

Where they at tho?

And, when the authors do try to be "diverse", they're all like, "ooh! Let him be an Italian alpha!" Or, "ooh! How about a British alpha?!"

No, boo boo.

▪The rich ass, money out the ass, Bentley/Benz/Range Rover/Mazarati/Porsh having asses.


My birthday is April 15, i would like a cell phone, a new tablet, some shoes, my own laptop, cash would be cool, too-


Got off track.

Um, yeah.


Why can't they be middle class? Got these Tylers and Aydens running around with 6 story houses, California King beds, and butlers named Jeffrey.

Like, dude, wanna be friends?

Seriously though. Aren't the filthy rich suppose to go to preppy and snobby private schools with obnoxious plaid ties as part of the dress code?

*Thinks to self: i really hope you're nodding right now*

Then why are you in public school? Wanna brag some more about how many islands your family owns while eating escargot to us, the ones who are stuffing 5 dollar foot longs in our mouths?

Well, you sir, are a grade A asshole.

I just can't even begin to descrive the irritation this genre brings me. So, I'll stop right here.

Good day, my good man.

I'm going to go finish watching Wayside School, now.

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