Brandelis snorted, "If The Reaper and Amarantha got into a fight, who would win."

"The Reaper,'' I answered. The same time Regina said, "Amarantha."

I arched my brow at her. She explained her train of thought, "The reason Amarantha took power in the first place was because she stole most of all the High Lord's powers." I nodded seeing her way of things.

I told her, "True but I caught Kana doing research for Reaper one night. And because those powers she stole belong to the High Lord's she can't fully control the powers. The more submissive a high lord is to her, the more submissive the power."

Brandelis shook his head "There is no proof of that in the whole world." I thought back to my spy, She clearly stayed to gather more intel. That or she winnowed home. Knowing her though she winnowed home, as soon as she heard the wyrm.

I nodded, "There is," I paused and grinned at the thought. "Have you ever wondered why she makes the High Lord of Night court shatter mind and not do it herself?"

"Well fuck." Brandelis cursed. Regina shook her head. "But what does that mean?"

"As soon as the reaper is in close proximity to Amarantha, she can break the curse that stole the high lord's powers. Because the powers are bonded to the High Lord's souls."

"Doesn't that mean High General Kana could do it too?" Brandelis questioned. I shook my head and remarked, "She could, but with the poison in her it would probably kill her."

Regina nodded. "So that's why the reaper is going to do it? Because Kana can't?"

I shook my head. "Honestly I don't know at this point. Kana's been getting worse but her powers seem stronger for the first time in years. It's probably whoever gets to her first."

Even the forest seemed to quiet down.

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The next day Regina said she could winnow us onto spring court territory. I told her we needed to wait a bit. And she gave me a look, "Why?"

I shook my head, "Because I still have no idea what I should even name the legion."

Brandelis glanced at me, "Well we could stop by the legion first and ask them." I nodded. And Brandelis shoved me to the ground. I went to shout at him, but I saw the arrow he had me escape from.

Glancing back, Amarantha's soldiers had seemed to have caught up. "Regina, I think I like being under pressure more."

We winnowed to spring court.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Our stomachs were growling. Sighing, I sighed, "I think we'll have to walk the rest of the way home."

"Yeah , yeah, okay." Regina grumbled. "But what's for dinner?"

I sighed and shrugged. "Whatever I can find. If I can't catch anything with my hands we'll probably go hungry. I can't do anything with a broken bow."

The damn thing had snapped when Brandelis shoved me to the ground, saving my life in the process. Regina grumbled, "I think we should be giving you a thousand times more credit Feyre."

I arched my brow and her. She sighed, "You are just willing to go hungry. Like it's normal. No one should be so used to that." I blinked at her, and looked to the floor. "I don't know, It's just been a thing ever since my father lost all of our wealth on that ship. Kana pushed us into the army because it was the only way for us not to starve."

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