Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"You guys don't have to leave." It made uncomfortable how they always left when Aaron was here. As if I couldn't have them both in one room because something bad would happen.

"Darling, your husband looks like he really needs to rest. And with all that's happened its best for us to leave. Enjoy your time with him because next time we're bugging both of you until its security kicking us out." Elliot winked and I gave into the urge of rolling my eyes.

Soon it was just Aaron and myself in our room.

Laurel had practically driven Aaron deaf with all the screaming. Really pissed that he went and put his life in danger, even though he kept telling her everything went fine.

I'd ordered something light for dinner while Aaron showered, the bathroom's door open so we could talk as I sat on our bed. The laptop was hot on my lap and I sighed in relief as I noticed I was nearly done with all the pending work.

"Angela sent in the invite!" Of course I had to raise my voice for Aaron to hear me. So deciding it was too much trouble I let myself inside the bathroom and sat between the two sinks, on the countertop.

Aaron didn't react badly to my presence so I kept clicking away on my laptop. Sending some files and editing others.

"Already? I thought we would be able to avoid her for at least some months. No offence, darling, but she's not the most honest and nice person out there." Aaron started washing off shampoo and I couldn't help but smile at his annoyed tone.

"You don't like her." When he started to protest I interrupted. "It's okay. I sort of don't like how she is after all these years. But it would be rude for us not to go. I bet she already let everyone else know who is going and if we don't attend, well you know how people are."

Aaron let out a sigh. "Of course. When is it?"

"This weekend. The address is on the invitation. It's at six and we are to dress appropriately."

"Of course."

"And she didn't invite Laurel. There is no pass for her." I dropped the bomb, watching him for a reaction. He went still on his way to leaving the soap and then got under the spray again. Not saying a word.

"I can always give her a call and guilt trip her into sending a pass for Laurel." That always worked. I didn't like it but it worked. You sounded offended and she tried to be the good guy while slowly dismembering you in her head.

"Laurel wouldn't go anyway. But it's rude of her not to at least send her an invitation too. She clearly knew Laurel was staying with us." The spray went off and Aaron stepped out of the shower. I hopped down the sink's countertop and handed him the towel he was silently asking for. Nobody had to know I was on the verge of drooling, dropping my laptop and run my hands all over him. Nobody had to know. Except Aaron noticed and sent me a smug smirk.

"How about we go, stay the appropriate time, make an excuse and leave early?" My plan was flawless.

"With that excuse?" I nearly stopped Aaron from dressing. Nearly.

"That something came up at the office. Nobody is going to question that." See? Flawless.

"It could work." He said amused, wrapping the towel around his waist and walking out of the bathroom.

"It will work." I closed my laptop and jumped into the bed, metamorphically speaking of course because I sat down gracefully and waited for him to finish putting on his underwear and to climb into bed with me.

I noticed some bruising over his torso. There were a few scratches but most on his hands and arms. I decided not to comment more on that matter. He'd seemed genuenly annoyed that Laurel kept on going on about them. And even though I know he is a tough guy, I still worried silently. He didn't need anyone else judging him for what he did. Right now he needed peace, needed sleep and someone who could listen if he wanted to talk. Lucky for him he had me as his wife.

When he finally turned off the lights and laid down on his back next to me, a groan left his lips. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

"I can give you a massage." I offered, to which he opened one eye to look at me. "If you want that is."

Aaron hummed and seemed lost in thought before he finally nodded. Listening to me by turning over so that his back was easy access for me.

I quickly went to grab some body oil. Just needed a tiny bit to make it comfortable for him. Bathing him in oil after he shower would be cruel of me. He'll look sexy but be uncomfortable. So I applied a very small amount on my hands, decided the best way to go with this was to straddle him, and then began working my hands all over his back. Groans of appreciation came out of his mouth, I think he even moaned once but I doubt he'll ever admit it.

I tried avoiding the bruising and being very gentle while still giving him a good massage to relax him. And I just couldn't erase the small smile on my face, knowing he was enjoying this.

Soon his breathing was even and he was fast asleep.

I got off him, grabbed the blankets to cover him up to his waist and then laid down beside him. Sleep taking over me seconds after.

It was Friday and tomorrow was Angela's party. I really didn't want to go. Spending the whole day in bed on a Saturday with my husband sounded way better than smiling and laughing about things that weren't even worth it. But it'll be rude not to go.

"Are you okay?" Greg questioned.

I'd been playing with my food this whole time and as I raised my head from my plate I noticed the worried glances of my friends.

"Is this because of that party?" Elliot asked, being right. A simple nod from he and he gave me an apologetic smile. I don't know why, it wasn't his fault.

"What party?" it was Leah's turn to wonder and it seemed like it was 'Ask a Question Day'.

God, I should have drank that coffee this morning.

Elliot proceeded to explain the situation and soon everyone was nodding their heads in understandment.

"You can always fake to be sick." Alice offered.

"Will make everything worse." I sighed. "Aaron and I already came up with that we think is a flawless plan to escape early." Okay, maybe only I thought it was flawless. Details.

"And what is that?" Jared raised an eyebrow.

"Say that something came up at the office. When it comes to work, no one questions, they just accept and give you the: 'Work's Important' look."

"Sounds pretty genuous to me." Jared grinned.

"Thank you." I did the best bow I could while sitting down. "I do try."

They chuckled and we continued to talk about random things like always. Taking my mind off tomorrow and focusing on the fact that I still needed four more projects to finish and an essay on what happiness means.

Perhaps tomorrow won't be so bad.

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