Part 13

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I realized I was writing stutter wrong so sorry.

(A few years later in the Lego verse, Riley is running out of the house grabbing Lloyd's hand)

Riley: Quickly! We found the car keys, but we're late! I can't believe they were in my hoodie the whole time!

Lloyd: I know, hehe out of all places, right?

Riley: Next time.. I don't know really know what I'm gonna do next time, but uh nevermind.

Lloyd: Forgetting everything now though, it's really cool how you've let go of the stutter.

Riley: I think it is too. After I wasn't afraid to actually be the wind ninja, it sort of.. disappeared. (They get in the car) Now, uh... drive!

Lloyd: Got it, who's place first?

Riley: Uhh, Kai and Nya! We can't be late to this.

Lloyd: I understand. This is going to be-

Riley: Super cool! 

Lloyd: Yup!

(A few minutes later they arrive at the siblings house)

Riley: Nya! Are you ready?

Nya: I am, but Kai ISN'T! KAI ARE YOU READY!?

Kai: Almost...

Nya: Well "ALMOST" isn't gonna CUT IT!

Riley: Haha, same as ever.

Lloyd: Some people never change.

Nya: That's right. If I wasn't here, who would prove the silent ninja was and IS a girl! Look who's right now KAI!

 Kai: And done!

Riley: Then let's go!

Kai: Yeah yeah, but in my defense, what was I supposed to think if you never ever actually talked in the-

Nya: You heard the girl! MOVE!

Kai: Ok OK! I'm going, but still-

Riley: Hurry!

(Everyone piles up in the car)

Lloyd: Who's house next?

Kai: I'll get Zane.

Riley: We'll go to Cole's house and then Jay's. 

(They get to Zane's house, and he's sitting on the steps)

Kai: Zane. Car. Now. Let's go!

Zane: But why are you LATE- (Kai pulls him, and throws him in the car)

Lloyd: I'm going to Cole's now.

Zane: Why were you guys late?

Riley: We had some trouble finding the car keys.

Nya: And someone was too busy putting A MILLION bottles of hair spray! While trying to prove a point of Kai also saying "oh well in my defense-"

Kai: Hey! This is important. Gotta look my best. And so what if I-

Lloyd: Here!

Kai: K I already got Zane, so Zane, do the exact same thing I did with you, but to Cole, or else he'll never come!

Glitched Wind, Lego Ninjago MovieWhere stories live. Discover now