Chapter 2: The Weirdo On Maple Street

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"YOU two want anything to drink? We have OJ, Skim Milk

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"YOU two want anything to drink? We have OJ, Skim Milk.. What else.." Mike says as he clicks his tongue. You turn around the wooden bannister, Your sore eyes take in the sights as you step into the living room, all around the room there's picture frames scattered, on shelves, tables, almost everywhere. There's even a large chair and a television. El finally joins. "Hi." She says, rubbing her fingers along the antenna. You can't help but glance at the Televison as El touches it, eyeing her with a heavy heart.

Mike finally finds us, joining us in the living room as he stands beside us. "This is the living room, its mostly used to watch TV." He notices El looking at the TV's Antennas.. and smiles lightly. "Nice right? Its a 22-Inch. Its like, Ten times bigger then Dustins." Mike says, smirking at you, Eleven, still interested but walking around idly, walks away from the TV as Mike speaks. You follow behind her, eager to examine more of the living room.

She looks up on a shelf examining portraits of Mike and his family. "Pretty.." She says, touching the wooden outer-rim of a framed picture, inside a girl with weird hair around her face stares back at El through the frame; a bright smile plastered on her face. You approach the frame and stare at it too, your eyes linger maybe for too long. "Yes." You say almost questioning.

"I guess. That's my sister Nancy," Mike declares as El looks over at another frame. Her doe eyes taking in the frame."Who is—Who is this?" You ask, pointing at the slightly larger portrait with a small baby. "Thats Baby Holly, my little sister." Mike says. El looks over at another photo which shows Baby Holly, Mike, Nancy and two other people. "Those are my parents." He says, you look back at Mike as he continues to speak.

"You know-- Parents, do you have any?" He asks, You shake your head in response. What are those? El walks to a recliner in the middle of the room with mild interest. "Thats our La-Z-Boy. That's where my Dad sleeps. Go ahead try it out. Its fun." Mike finishes, gesturing for you to sit. El sits on the chair first, glancing over at you, she pats beside her. Gesturing for you to take a seat. Mike crouches down next to the recliner and smiles, not sure what to say obviously but just happy to see us happy.

You sit next to her, theres only a little bit of room left. "Watch this. Its cool." Mike says, he pulls something on the side of the chair and the two of you fall backwards, as the recliner turns into a bed. It's actually quite comfortable, you wouldn't mind sleeping here for a few hours.

Eleven gasps for a moment before smiling, Mike notices the look on El's face and speaks, "Go ahead, try it." Eleven grabs a bar on the right side of the La-Z-Boy and everything flips back to normal. You and El trade glances, smiling at each other.

This is fun.

Third Person

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