You weren't ever there

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A/N: This is dedicated to ananyad14
Thank you for the ideas and inspiration.

After the date Kali and Eve went back to penthouse Evelynn driving the Lamborghini with her hand on Akali's thigh while she slept with her head leaning against the doors window.

Akali was currently dreaming about their,

Dance beneath the stars

The fire fueled by their Love

And the rare moment she was grateful that she was alive and happy.

She was grateful she couldn't reverse the chemistry that she and Eve had.

It would take awhile but she would eventually get better.

Evelynn drove into the parking garage of their penthouse and parked the Lamborghini, she turned off the car and looked at Kali sleeping peacefully.

God she was a beauty, something Evelynn could never stop saying to her girlfriend.

Evelynn woke up Akali.

"Kali baby, wake up." Evelynn said rubbing her girlfriend's thigh slightly.

"Mmm five more minutes."

"Baby wake up we can sleep when we get up to the penthouse."

Kali groans before opening her blue eyes,

"Okay, okay I'm up." She spoke suddenly.

Evelynn got out of the car and shut the door walking to the other side of the car and opened the door.

Akali had unbuckled but didn't move after that because Evelynn picked her up bridal style from the passenger side.

Evelynn locked the doors and continued to the elevator with Kali in her arms.

Once inside the elevator she put Akali down on her own two feet, Kali wrapped her arms around Eve in a attempt to hug her as the elevator moved up.

Evelynn in return wrapped her own arms around Akali hugging her against her chest.

Akali had her head in the crook of Evelynn's neck attempting to fall back asleep.

Evelynn heard the ding of the elevator, this time she didn't bother to wake her girlfriend up. She picked her up bridal style and exited the elevator towards the stairs.

Taking only minutes to climb the stairs she entered kali's room. Laying her down Evelynn stripped Kali of her jacket, hat, and pants leaving her girlfriend half naked.

Evelynn stripped as well then spooned Akali from behind wrapping her arms around her midriff, she fell into a comfortable sleep.

Several hours later in the morning,

Evelynn had woken up and Akali's whole body snuggled into her side kali's head laying upon her shoulder.

Evelynn was using her thumb to stroke Akali's  left cheek. Gently opening her eyes Kali smiled.

"Thank you for last night I felt happy." Kali said groggily

"Your welcome baby." Eve replied

'Ring Ring'

"Eve your FaceTime is ringing." Kali said softly

Evelynn grabs her ringing phone and answers the video call.

"Honey!" a female voice said.

"Sweetie!" a male voice joined in.

"Mother, Father." Evelynn said through gritted teeth.

"How are you doing sweetie?" Her father asked.

"Fine." Evelynn said pretending to smile while holding Kali closer to her side.

"We were wondering if you wanted to visit us before we left on our next business trip?" Evelynn's mother asked.

"I'm not going too visit you. You know why."

"Not this shit again Evelynn." Her father spoke again.

Evelynn's anger bubbled inside her chest.

"No you don't get to ask me to visit you. You were always gone when I was a child. I learned to grow up on my own. All because you had some stupid business trips to do that were more important than I ever was." Evelynn said anger in her voice.

"You never loved me you left me money to grocery shop on my own. You had rather go on a business trip than spend time with your own daughter. I did so much for myself that I forgot how to have feelings."

"You have no right to speak to your father like that Evelynn!" Her mother spoke.

"I don't give a damn what you think, I'm a grown ass adult."

"Yeah!" Kali cheered

"Whose that Evelynn?"

"My girlfriend!" Evelynn said

"You have no right to talk down to your daughter and my girlfriend. You never loved her so get over the fact that she's happier without you." Kali said aggressively

"You weren't ever there. And I prefer that you stay that way. Don't contact me again!" Eve said ending the call.

Evelynn kissed the top of Akali's head while hugging Akali into her side.

"Thank you Kali for defending me. I love you."

"Your welcome. I love you too."

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