"You made her laugh. That's a good sign." Avery claps.

"Thank you guys." I tell them.

I look at the food. I'm not sure why I'm so hungry. The butter filled pancakes smell so good and I grab a plate and start eating.

"You're still eating?" Sawyer walks in shirtless and takes a seat beside me. His arm touches mine and he smiles at me.

"Hey, Evan. Pass the syrup." Sawyer sounds almost playful toward his brother. Almost as if they were in high school and late for practice.

Today is Saturday. Why isn't Sawyers class here?

Nancy barges in and immediately runs to me. She pulls me from my seat and rushes me out of the kitchen.

She embraces me in a hug, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could have done." She rubs my back and for some reason her hugs remind me of my mom and I burst into tears once again. I thought I was composed but her hug breaks me. I squeeze her tighter not ready to ever let go.

"Jesus Nancy. What did you do?" Sawyer storms into the living room.

"Shh." Nancy shushes him and he zips shut.

"This is the most difficult thing you can experience. And I'm sorry." Nancy squeezes me one last time and let's go of me. I have stopped crying but tears continue to run down my face.

I can feel Sawyer in the room watching me as Nancy tells me she's here to cook whatever I want her to cook.

She leaves the room and I'm left alone with Sawyer. I don't know how to grieve and all I feel like doing is cry.

"You left your pancakes." Sawyer says and hands me the plate.

"Thanks." I take the plate from him and start eating.  Sawyer takes a seat beside me, our knees touching.

I look at him, confused. He's still shirtless, he should be getting ready.

"Don't you have class today?" I question. He shakes his head,

"Cancelled it." He curtly smiles.

"Why?" I question and I take another bite of my pancakes.

"I need to make sure you're okay." He says and my heart sinks at those words. He cancelled his class for me.

"Oh." I say, and place the dirty dish on the living room table.

"Are you okay?" He questions.

"Are you going to keep asking me that every five seconds?" I question playfully. But he's serious.

"Yes." He says. He grabs the plate I left on the table and he heads to the kitchen.

I stand up and stretch.

Sawyer walks back in, a t-shirt on.

"The whether is shit." He says. It's gloomy out, but no rain in sight.

"Rain is the best." I whisper.

He grabs a random throw over blanket and sits beside me once again. The house is big so it's always cold. He pulls it over himself and over me and I lean on his shoulder as we watch the outside world through the large sliding door.

"Rain is nice." He agrees, almost sleepily.

"What happened to my parents?" I blurt out. I feel Sawyers shoulder tense.

He breathes out, "Car crash." He says quietly and I nod.

"The baby too?" I question. He slowly nods and I my eyes water up. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum