Father Nature

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(Ray has a vagina in this story line.)

He was sleeping peacefully in his bed. His hair is tied down, he has on a onesie zipped up tight, and he is tucked under his comforter, cozily.

The heater in his room is turned on, just right, not too high not too low.

Suddenly, a drop of blood, trickles it's way out of the lips of his "cookie" and lands on his pink lace panties.

Ray jumps up out of his sleep and sighs. He looks over at his clock and it reads 4:35 AM. Rayan drags himself out of bed. As he walks more droplets trickle out of him. He rushed to his bathroom and sits on the toilet.

Ray looks down at his panties, that were new by the way, and sees that they are stained with menstrual blood.

He tears up a little, as he hates this time of month, and throws the underwear in the sink to wash them out. After he's done he takes a longer shower than regularly.

Ray does his morning routine, not forgetting to put on a pad, and pack extra.

He walks to school not even close to emotionally ready.

Walking through the double doors, Ray is greeted by many, but not in the mood for conversation so he politely waves.

All of a sudden he feels his ass get smacked, "Hey babe!" He recognized the voice right away.

Ray feels a wave of anger over him and lashes back on Craig, his boyfriend of 5 months.

"What the hell!" He yells, "Leave me alone."

Ray stomps off leaving Craig dumbfounded.

Next Ray is greeted by his two best friends Cyn and Asia. "Hey baeeee," They sung.

He rolls his eyes, "What's wrong? Is it that time of the month."

Ray nods and starts to tear up again. The girls know how hard this is for him, especially since they have to go through it. Ray was one of very few, to be born with this and a monthly cycle.

This is probably the third month he's having his period so he hasn't adjusted just yet.

Ray walks away to class and Craig walks up to the girls.

They notice his sadness, "What's the matter Craig."

"Ray just screamed at me in the hallway. I don't know what I did, but I don't want him to break up with me. I really like him."

"Ohh, you'll figure out a little later, but he's not gonna break up with you."

During P.E., Rayan's teacher tells them they have to run around the outside of the school a couple of times, Ray asks if he can sit out but his teacher says he'll get an F.

After running, he feels exhausted, sweaty and stinky. He takes his second shower for the day.

The bell rings for nutrition and Ray is again greeted by Craig.

"H-hi babe."

Ray jumps into his arms, "Just hold me." For the entire 15 minutes Ray has his face nestled in the crook of Prod's neck, and then the bell rings.

Ray let's out a very inhuman growl and walks to his next class. Lunch finally rolls around and Prod is all over Ray.

Ray feels bad about earlier so he tried to nicely tell him to stop, but he doesn't.

Ray gets ready to lash out again, Asia notices this time but is too late to stop him.

"Babe you should come over."

"Stop touching me Craig."

"Why, you look really good today."

"I don't want to have sex. Damn! I'm not in the mood."

Craig finally stops and looks sad again. He doesn't know what's going on with his boyfriend but hopes everything is alright.

Asia and Cyn pull Craig to the side and explain to him. "Look boo, Ray is on his period."

"Ray? A period?" Craig says confused and earns a nod from the girls.

"And all the little stuff that he usually likes, is irritating the hell out of him."

"Well I need to make it up to him. What should I do?"

"Buy him food, lots of it."

"And just rub all over him. Rub his stomach."

"For cramps."

"Rub his back."

"Back aches."

"Even rub his feet."

"Cause it feels nice. Cater to his every need and he'll love you again in a couple of days."

"And how you ain't know, the way Ray told us you be all up in that."

Craig smirked, "Wow thanks I gotta start now."

Craig signed himself out and went shopping.

When school let out Ray called and called Craig but there was no answer.

When his dad picked him up he already had the air conditioner blasting, he knew it was that time of the month.

As they pulled up to the house Ray started to feel nauseous. He rushed inside to the downstairs bathroom and threw up the little he ate today.

Walking up to his room Ray started crying and he called Craig again getting no answer so he left a voice mail, "Babe" he sobbed "I'm sorry, I really am I didn't mean to be mean. Please call me back, I love you."

Ray walked into his room and saw different chocolates all over his bed. He looked on his dresser and there were a couple burgers, fries, and subs. There was all kinds of chocolate covered fruit.

There was a heating pad plugged up next to his bed. And there was a little basket in the hands of Craig.

In the basket there were flowers, new panties, bath salts, lotions and perfumes, more candy, everything a girl wants.

"I came to be your massage therapist," Craig smiles.

Ray hugs him and starts to cry again, "Baby I'm so sorry for snapping at you. I really didn't mean it"

"It's okay I'm here for you, I know you need me and I understand now."

"I love you," They both said.

After getting settled, they both ate, and eventually fell asleep. Craig rubbing Ray's stomach and Ray with a candy wrapper stuck to his shirt.

The End. :)


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