You were going to Seoul.
The day started with clear skies, the tinge of blue warping slowly into eradicating the clouds. You were wearing your high school uniform for the last time and all you could think about was your future in Seoul. It never left your mind since the night you finally confirmed your slot for Korea University.
You walked aimlessly to the gymnasium of your school, filled with mixed emotions of excitement and fear. Your batchmates were all over the place, chatting and taking pictures together. The graduation march song was playing in the background, alluding you even more to the feeling of closing an important chapter of your life.
Once the ceremony started, you were left spacing out while clapping mindlessly to each student being called out. The ebullience was clear on each student's face, vigorously cheering for one another with loud howling, video recording, and exclamations of acknowledgement.
The only time you were disturbed from your pool of thoughts was when your name was finally called and you were recognized for graduating with the highest honors. Despite your high achievement, the cheers toned down while you were walking on the stage to receive your certificates. Your classmates were formally clapping their hands along with teachers; but you didn't feel the same familiarity or genuine happiness they had for the previous students. You shrugged it off, knowing the reason why. You didn't pay attention to it anymore as you received your certificate and bowed with a grateful smile on your face.
"WOOO! That's my girl!"
You froze, eyes wide and mouth agape. Following the sound of the only person loudly cheering for you, your eyes landed on the second-floor of the gymnasium. Your classmates gawked along, whispering and murmuring incoherent words for a brief moment.
Gripping the railing and waving his hand enthusiastically, Park Jimin proudly smiled at you. He was wearing a denim jacket over a white shirt and for the first time, he wore his square-rimmed glasses in public. You didn't stare at him for long while you were on the stage but that one glance was enough to make you feel an abundance on celebration and support. Your cheeks were probably pink as they felt warm while you were walking back to your seat. Once you were seated, you quickly took out your phone and texted Jimin.
"To: Minie •᷄ɞ•᷅
why are you here ?!!!"The moment you sent your text, your phone buzzed subtly to signify his instant reply.
";)" was the his sole response to you, causing your head to look up to the second-floor once again.
Even from afar, you could see Jimin's amused but teasing smile at you. If it were other people being playful, you may have been bemused and repulsed all at once. However, you found Jimin entirely beguiling; even if he loved getting under your skin just as much as he looked after you.
Before lunch time, the graduation ceremony ended. Students were all over the gymnasium, taking pictures with their certificates and bidding each other goodbyes. Jimin instantly rushed down to meet you, squeezing through the sea of people.
"[Y/N]!" he exclaimed as soon as he saw you standing by yourself, looking lost as you searched for him.
Your eyes lit up at the sight of Jimin, rushing to tackle him in a hug. He held you with one hand as you grinned from ear-to-ear.
"I told you, you don't have to attend!" you exclaimed, loosening your embrace to look back at him.
Jimin only smiled before revealing a bouquet of pink flowers that he had been hiding behind him. You almost had an animated response, eyes widening and lips parting in disbelief.
"Oh, Min, you didn't have to—"
"Shhh." he silenced your rambling. You pursed your lips, understanding instantly. At often times, still, you feel like a burden to everyone. However, seeing Jimin smile gently soothed you out of guilt.
"Congratulations, [Y/N]." he greeted sincerely as you cradled the bouquet to your chest.
"Thank you— and for the flowers too." you said, appearing uncharacteristically coy around him. You weren't aware of the electricity connecting you both, marveling in the thought that you weren't alone in a school event; where you'd usually envy your classmates for having parents over.
"Come on, I'll take your picture so you'll have a remembrance." he said, taking out his phone.
You nodded along, walking near the stage where some of your classmates were. Standing near your school's logo and smiling to Jimin's camera, a sudden wave of surreality hit your feet. People's chatter were droned out as your mind wandered to the uncertainty of your future. Your eyes grew distant; and you questioned if you were really leaving.
This feeling lingered until the day you were packing all of your things in the orphanage.
A few days after graduation, you decided to tidy up your belongings. There wasn't much to begin with, only a few clothes, school materials, and a box of your treasured possessions kept away under your bed. You thought it was the perfect time to clean as you eyed the empty beds lined up at the orphanage hall.
Sitting on the floor, you let out a grunt as you tried to reach for the box you kept under your bed. You struggled, fingertips red as you dragged it out. The box was no bigger than a standard bed pillow, dusty and tattered by time.
You blew the dust off, struggling to remember the things you kept in it. Going by the thickness of the dust, it must have been years since you opened it.
Lifting the lid off the brown stationery box, your heart instantly dropped. You gasped softly at the sight of opened envelopes. Their content were kept away at a separate pile; along with pictures stacked messily.
"Jungkook..." his name fell from your lips, like a forgotten secret; quiet and unsure.
Childhood memories started playing in your mind and suddenly, everything felt real.
Taking a deep breath, you shakily took the pictures in your hand. The first one on the pile was the last picture he ever mailed you— a picture of him standing at the streets of Los Angeles, USA. You remembered his stories; and how young and naïve you would imagine yourself beside him.
That was your dream.
You could feel the lump forming in your throat, blocking your airway and making your chest feel heavy. You lived through the pictures until your vision was blurry and stained with tears. All of them contained Jungkook growing up at a far distance; and you remembered, how you loved him—
— how he was your dream.
— how he was the reason you wanted to go to Seoul.
What you didn't remember, was the time all of it changed and eventually tucked under a bed.
Quiet sobs erupted from the back of your throat, mind hazy and heart weak. You wiped away your tears, sniffling and breathing heavily. Your state worsened once you saw a beige card at the bottom of the box. It was kept under all the pictures and entirely unnoticeable if you didn't lift them up.
Setting the photos aside, you took the fading beige card in your hands. You sniffled, gently gliding your fingertips on the rough edges of the paper hearts stuck to the card, worn out by the years that have passed. The cartoon drawing of you and Jungkook was still there, sketched with patience and love.
You instantly remembered the day he gave the card to you. It was bright and warm; and you knew he uttered sweet words, but all of them became muddled in your head. Nonetheless, you reminisced the feeling and that was still clear in your heart.
Enamored was one word to describe it. Jungkook filled you with so much love that it was the only thing you could do when you were a child. Even if he left the orphanage, you thought Jungkook's love was big enough to keep you going; but as the voices of your past dreams became hoarse, you realized that your ambition has grown bigger than. You trudged by without even realizing, you were moving on.

paper hearts (jeon jungkook)
FanfictionEight-year-old Jungkook told you that he would marry you someday, while you two sat on an old sofa behind the orphanage's dormitories. COMPLETED ON: 2022/11/17 #1 in BTSAU (February 13, 2023) Note: This is written in the Second Person's PoV. ** ...