I Was Made For Lovin' You

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A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and a man cannot live without love.-Max Mueller

I paid Dallas a visit after leaving Sodapop behind. He was at Buck's by then, but I wasn't worried about any trouble he might give me. Buck was a pain, but he meant no harm. All he did was smile and then toss a joke when I walked past. Dallas was sleeping I figured, but when I opened the door he shot up instantly. 

"Hey babe." He gave me a smirk while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "Whatcha' been up to?"

"Just walkin' around with Soda." I didn't feel guilty in the slightest about using Sodapop as my cover.

"That ain't much fun." A mischievous smile worked itself onto his face, "Good thing you came here." He grinned and pulled me into the bed with him.

An hour later, Dallas let out a breath gently beside me, his bare chest rising up and down each second. He was beautiful laying there, scars and all. For once, his eyebrows weren't furrowed into dark lines and the stress marks had lightened themselves. He turned and rolled my way, meeting my eyes with his dark, almost black ones.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, but with no attitude in my voice.

"Just enjoying the view." He grinned at me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek.

Love with him felt warm and even though I had never been in love, I reckoned that I was in it then. It felt natural, it felt right.

I grinned and he grabbed my face with his rough hand, "Hey, I got a question for you."

I nodded, encouraging him to ask away even though I knew what his question was.

"Do you want to start going steady?" He looked away from me when he asked it, "I mean, I ain't been with any other girls for a while now anyways."


The thought surprised me. It was no secret that Dallas had gotten around in more ways than one. He wasn't ashamed of it and neither were any of the girls he had slept with.



He looked at me like he was trying not to smile.  I knew he was happier than he was giving on, but I pretended not to notice. I didn't think that going steady would change our relationship much, if I'm honest. He wasn't with anyone else and neither was I. The only issue was if I was supposed to tell him about my "hobby". Somehow, there was more debate if I should tell him or not when we weren't dating. But , I realized that day that now that we were going steady I couldn't tell him. I lived off the phrase "What you don't know can't hurt you." It was true in this case. I valued our relationship more than I valued telling him the truth.

A lot of people say my morals are off kilter, but I don't care much for other peoples opinions unless I ask for them. The opinion I've always valued the most is my own. People seem to think that I'm always wrong when it comes to stuff like that, but I got to admit most of the time I think it's the other way around.

Lose Your Mind-A Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now