Gar getting hurt.

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POV: What if Gar was instead of Jason who got caught by slade?

Rachel felt her head burning up. Shooting out of her sleep and sitting up into the darkness of the night she tried to catch her racing breath. Gar. Something was wrong with Gar. During her sleep her connection with him had been triggering endless pains to shoot throughout her body and memories and visions to play on her eyelids. She grasped her hip, blood pooling from her sliced open flesh, it was strange though her shoulder hurt so much more then the bloody wound, as if a knife was being diggern deeper into her bone elsewhere on her body. Tears threaten to fall from her eyes but she banished them before a single could be shed. For she had done so many wrong things and lost so many wonderful people that she didn't feel the need to morn for, morning overherself shall be selfish. Sitting up and wiping her eyes Rachel slid out of her bed and struggled towards the door her whole body throbbing with pain.

Jason panicked all he had heard was Gars scream..and then once he raced to find him, a trail of blood. Why did you do it!?Who gives  a fuck if Dick saids you can't be trusted! Now Gar was gone and probably dead and it's all my fucking fault! Jason's head was spinning with regret and worry. He raced through the tower towards his room what the fuck was he going to do. The door beside him flung open with a swoosh, almost making him jump, "Rachel?" Jason took note of Rachel's teary eyes and wounded hip, but before he let her talk he rambled tears in his own eyes "Rachel I'm sorry, I know I suck, I-"  "Jason" Rachel winced "I just need to see Gar and go to Medbay apology's can be saved for later" "DR LIGHT GOT GAR!I MESSED UP RACHEL!AND  NOW HES PROBABLY DEAD! I WAS THE OLDEST HIS ONLY LIKE 15 HE SHOULDN'T BE DEAD ITS ALL MY FAULT!" Jason watched Rachel eyes grow wide. "He's...dead? You...he..die? No Jason no. Don't mess with me, Jason no. No, nonoonononono" Jason had expected Rachel to remain calm, but now she was balling her eyes out and racing towards Garfields room. She rushed in the code calling his name. "His not in there Rachel his gone!" He watched her eyes flood with tears, then turn a flaming red.

Rachel felt her blood cool and her skin boil. No she wasn't meant to kill Jason. But Jason wasn't meant to kill Gar. Her tears patted the tiles. That's why her head hurt, her shoulder, her heart, her chest. Gar was gone. Her hands lashed out towards  her chest, she held herself silently before screaming the pain away, her whole body shook with fear and sadness as if the thing holding the universe, HER universe,together had just been destroyed, which it had. Her insides burned like her throat as she continued to scream, the pain she was feeling was so overwhelming that her demon side was trying to protect her from an existing threat. Pools of blood and tears soaked the tiles around her as she sunk to the ground, vision blurred and head spinning. Her mind was almost telling her that it was a prank, some sick joke and Gar was just at the toilet or down the hall, but her heart her very soul was telling her that Gar was gone. Never again would she see his warm hazel eyes or brilliant smile, hear his sweet singing or his quiet chuckles, she would never feel the buzz of his presence or soft lips against hers as she wished they would collide so soon in the future, the future that he no longer had.

Jason watched the room turn black and cold, he watched Rachel unfold onto the floor and drown in her own tears, he heard her scream just as Gar had.

So for the next chappie I was wondering
do i make Jason run away? Or stay and help?
And should I let Rachel find Gar and turn full ass demon on slade ? Or let her kill her self out if depression.? (That's sounds so extreme lol 😳😬)
Shall Dick side with Rachel? Or side with Jason?
And do you guys want me to write a Raven/ Rose or Gar/ Jason fic? 🔫😏😏😏😏

You guys vote! That is if there's anyone out there 🥺

IM SO EXITED FOR SEASON 3 HOW BOUT YALL?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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