Chapter 1

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As a woman in my time we are born for one thing. To marry whoever our father chooses, usually to unite two strong families. It's that or being sold to someone as a slave to be used however that person chooses. Do I agree with all of this? Absolutely NOT. My father has been introducing me to suitors the moment I turned 18. I'm 20 now but that still doesn't mean I've married. I've told him time and time again. I don't want to marry anyone, I can rule my kingdom on my own.

At the age of 6 princesses are given the option of what they want their talents to be. Some choose singing, an instrument or dancing but not me. I chose archery, weapons handling, hand to hand combat and war strategy. These are normally a mans talent but I am not going to live my life being looked down on. I will not live under society's prejudice rules. I don't need a man and I never will.

"My Lady!" my hand maiden yelled. This is Tatia. We've been together since I rescued her from her family's abuse 4 years ago, her family had to sell her just to let me save her. I should have killed them but she begged me not to. The world doesn't need horrible people like that in it. As I said women have no value other that to be an object. To be used and tossed away once you get bored of them.

She has long curly black hair that is so shiny that it shimmers in the sun. Her skin is medium tan for working hours in the sun . I help her sometimes but she insisted that I just relax and leave the work to her. Please, if you think I let her work alone then shame on you. Her eyes are green and they shine in the light  and whenever she's happy. Her lips are a natural pink that is moist because she keeps licking them.

She is wearing the hand maidens dress that is just a soft pink dress made from silk. The dress is loose because it gets really warm in our kingdom. The dress has a "U" cut a the breast area which shows off her big chest. Her dress has a pink ribbon at the back and a really tiny one smack in the middle of her breast.Her shoes are white heels that are about 3 inches high. On her wrist is a bracelet with the crest of our kingdom in the middle. This is to show that she belongs to me: the princess.

I didn't want her to be branded but I pushed  my luck when I asked father to let me choose the talents that I chose. You must be wondering why am I pushing my luck if it was years ago when I chose them. In the words of men, "It's not very lady like" so father kept getting complaints from some suitors about it. I've made a promise to myself. When I become queen I will change things. It's time for women to rule.

"My Lady you must not zone out like that. It's irritating and can be very rude". Any other person would be beaten out of their sanity if they told me that but she is not just anyone. "My apologies Tatia and must I tell you not to call me that once more?" I asked her not to call me that when we are alone many times but she never seems to remember.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I don't want to make it a habit and then address you that way in front of your father or anyone else for that matter." she explained in a worried tone. "My father can not punish you for following my wishes. Tatia, that is the rule only I can punish you because you are my hand maiden and I would never ask for another" I stated. "Yes...Guinevere" she said, I smiled at her compliance.

"We must hurry your father awaits you in the garden" she said putting a few braids in my hair at the right side of my head. She put my favourite diamond clip in my hair to keep it in place. She added my earrings and matching necklace. A diamond, silver bracelet and rings on every finger but my marriage finger for obvious reasons.

I stood in front of the mirror and took in my appearance. My eyes are blue that I got from my mother that seems to attract attention to me from a lot of suitors. My lips are a dark red colour that looks  like a cherry. My long hair that stopped just above my backside is brown and curly. My hair is lifted on the right side of my head is pulled up with my the hair clip to keep it from undoing itself. My height is 5'11 which drives most men crazy for some reason.

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