George x reader (flustered)

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"imagine your in the common room with george talking"


"some how me snd george git into one of our little conversations where we talk about random crap so he said something along the lines of"

"you know y/n you get flustered really easily"

"pftt I don't your lying" "I said"

"um yes you do there's been so many times where I just grabbed you waist or kissed you for no reason and you just melted away" "he put his hand on my waist"

"y-yeah because y-you catch m-me off guard" "I said stuttering like crazy"

"aww is someone already getting flustered are we?" "sh-shut up "I said snd pulled away from him"

"I'm not flustered I don't understand why you think I get so frustered over a little bit of
physical touch" "I mean come on-
-I'm not 13 geor-" "I got cut off"

"he grabbed my face and he said"
"one "then he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him"
"two" "he started to play with my lip"
"three" "he leaned in to kiss me so I leaned in too"

"then he smirks" " I realize he didn't kiss me so I opened my eyes and saw a smirking george"

"I blushed so hard" "WH-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!"
"I said to him" "and he started to laugh"
"I got up and went to the other couch being a blushing mess"

"see you do get flustered-
-easily" "he said" "I covered my face with my hands because of blushing so much"

"he got off the other couch and sat down-
-next to me" "he grabbed my hands and pulled them off my face and kissed me"

"few minutes later"

"he pulled away"
"I'm sorry" "he said calmly"
"I probably looked even more red now"
"but I couldn't look away i just stared at him zoning out"
"Y/N" "h-huh in sorry a-and your okay "I smiled"

"good "he said then hugged me"

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