Chapter 23: Ailstar-Daddy!

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Alistar Dragon
Enders father
Esme's Beithir ex-wife

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It was so sudden none of them even noticed him, they didn't sense anything wrong. So that's why they were quite surprise when they heard a sudden bang and a deep bellow.

They all got up from there places and went to Mathew's office room, were they weren't generally aloud to be in without a reason. But in cases like invasion and or in need of hiding they go there.

Simon was the one to check the camera, he looked at it and saw what it was. A Beast, a half shifted dragon Beast.

Though he looked feral, which happens, though he wasn't. He was angry and he was aiming for something though what?
Simon looked through all of the cameras, he was making a mess, throwing things and ripping over all of the furniture. He was looking for something, though what? He knew that he needed to called Mathew. They need help, they may be strong. But a Beast, a dragon one at that, they won't win.

Simon immediately called Mathew.

"Mathew, hey look somethings wrong, there's a Beast! A Dragon Beast he's looking for something. I don't know what though!" Simon said

He looked to the cameras and saw that he was talking he told Mathew.

"Hold wait he's talking." Simon unmuted and listen.

"GIVE ME MY SON!" He bellowed!

An that's all it took for Simon to know who he was looking for. Theres only two dragons in this household. Mathew and Ender, and he knows that Mathews father died a long time ago. So this is obviously Ender's dad. He can see some similarities, the hair and eyes.

"It's his dad, It's Enders dad that's why he's here he wants Ender. We can fight him all of us, we have to protect him!" Simon said, he doesn't want to lose Ender, he's not going to none of them.

"No! You stay and keep hidden. I'm on my way, hide and stay there." Mathew said, he can hear the car engine roaring to life and Charlie in the background.

Simon went to the panic room, like Mathews directions had told him to. An so Simon went in to where the others were. He can see that Asher, Jack, and Ender were worried. He can see them shaking, an tears were in their eyes. They were all a little nervous, of course they are this actually never happened before.

"Simon what's wrong?" Eric asked, he leaned closer to him

"It's okay just stay here and we should all be quiet. Mathew's on his way."

"Math?" Ender said quietly, he looked to Simon, holding out his shaking hand wanting to talk to him.

Simon nodded his head and gave him the phone Mathew was still on, listening to them all.

"Math?" Ender said.

"Hey baby, I'm on my way okay, just be quiet, okay?"

Ender, Asher and Jack all huddled together listening to Mathew. Also needing reinsurance that they'll be okay.

"Mmhm." Ender hummed telling him that he hears him.

They suddenly hear the man coming closer, he bangs on Matthew's office door. Luckily they we're all in a panic room, that was in the office room. They can only hope that he's to angry and feral, to notice the hidden door.


The man yells obviously trying to reach out to him.

It seems to work to because Ender reacts, he whimpers and roars a little. Trying to get the mans attention, they all look to Ender and try and hold him.

"Roar~ roar~" Ender keeps roaring, his eyes shining a bright golden hue, his Dragon side taking over.

The door was suddenly pried off and the man was standing there. His large wings in view and horns on top of his head, nails and fangs shown.




Suddenly he was thrown across the office, they see Mathew there his own wings and horns out.

They all ran out of the office knowing that they needed to leave. But Ender wanted to stay, more so his inner dragon wanted to. He's scared he doesn't know this man. But there's also something...

As he gets out of Simons grip he goes back to the office hearing them all shout for him. But he didn't care.

Once he's at the office he can see Mathew and the man fighting there. Throwing punches, and pinning each other.
Ender's standing by the torn off entry way. He's instincts we're going off like crazy he wants to help this man. But his mate, one of his many mates is here and fighting against him.
That must mean something.

He feels something deep inside of him, some sort of feeling that he can't pin point. He looks to them and all he sees is red, he's hurting his mate. With all of his strength, he goes to the the mysterious man and goes in front of him. He crouches in front of him and growls, he tried to be intimidating, he's not sure how much it worked.

"Leave! Now! No Hurt!"

Mathew was impressed, he may not know it but he's going against his own father! That's something that dragon's rarely do, they always trust their family members. They mean everything to them, but the fact that he's going against him to protect him and the others.

Mathew gets up and walks to him, gently petting his head to sooth him, trying to calm him down.

"I'll listen to him if I were you, I'll be more then willing to talk to you later, once you've calmed down of course." Mathew said.

Ender was still growling at him, still not believing that they were safe.

The man gets up, wanting his son but he can clearly see that he doesn't want him.

"What did you do?!"

"Nothing. I merely saved him from the poor conditions that he was in, I'm encouraging you to leave now."

Mathew got close to him, edging him to leave.

"I'll be back, and when I leave again, he is coming with me." He threatens.

He does leave though, he can see that he was clearly outmatched. It may be because of Ender, and it may be because of the others that appeared behind.

"Ender! Are you okay?"

They all crowed around him.

They can all see, though that he's still angry, he's still ridged.

"Ender your okay, he's gone now, you did so well."
They tried to calm him down.

"Don't like."

"I know, but he's gone and if he does come back I'll handle him." Mathew said kneeling down in front of him. Cupping his cheek with a small smile.

"My mates." Ender said pulling them all to his nest in the living room. Only to see a messed up pile of blankets, his eyes are wide and he pales.

That's when they heard the painful cry of a dragon.

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