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Today is June 22 - Genesis' b-day!!
So, I am gifting you all an early update of the last chapter of Dollhouse. The epilogue is being written. If I finish it, it'll be up this weekend. If not, on Monday.

If you noticed (or didn't), Dollhouse has a new cover. This one I've been keeping a secret since forever ago. Tell me what you think?

 Tell me what you think?

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Leakage of information isn't difficult. The press eats up any rumor they hear. My father's scandal was overshadowed by the governor's. Everyone on social media gave their opinions about the situation. Some sided with him acknowledging that having a child so soon wasn't the best at their young age nor was it to be related to serial killer. But most sympathized with Valerie. They wanted her to have a choice over the situation because abortions were on the tight wire.

But what the people were mostly appalled with was that if Valerie decided to have her child, he would not allow her to keep him.

Either choice led to her baby being taken from her.

From what we talked about when she was here, she does not want that. All we had to do now was stall him for as long as possible to get to those twenty-four to twenty-eight-week mark when an abortion was no longer in action in the state of California, if Valerie wanted to keep her baby.

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