meet the teacher

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|Naruto's POV|

ok were on our way to our first class OK  I don't like him but I do admire him......ok I can't like him he just got here and its weird to like someone who just got here right

Ugh I'm gonna die, "naruto are we here" sasuke says snapping me out of thought "um...let me see" I look at the door numbers "oh its just a couple of doors down" "ok"

We walk for a couple of seconds and make it to the class I knock on the door "hold on" someone mumbled on the other side

The door opened and a man with a brown ponytail and his name is iruka-sensei, he looks at me and his expression got angry oh no I'm dead

"NARUTO" oh god "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WHERE WERE YOU" "um I was with The new kid so I can't get in trouble now can I?" OK to I can Im just using that as an excuse

OK let's see if it works "are you just using him to get out of trouble naruto" "no I'm not I was actually showing him to our class but I just so happened to use him as an excuse"

Yeah I wasn't going to actually use him I just got scared at first I was but I forgot getting so lost in my thoughts god but how can I help it I still need to figure that out

"ok.....and who are you" he says looking at sasuke "um...I uh u um" he says and looks at me I snicker and he gets embarrassed "its ok just tell him" "I'm s-sasuke uchiha" I wonder why he got embarrassed

I look over to the class and everyone has there eyes on him I chuckle and I wave at the class wow he really gets alot of attention that he doesn't want

I get a couple of waves back, he looks like he calmed down but is still embaressed god he's so cute

I go to sit down and wait for sasuke to get his introduction he walks in after he talked with iruke and goes to the front he looks so nervous

I give him a thumbs up and say "you got this" in whisper he looks like he could pass out I let out a low chuckle "my name is sasuke uchiha a-and I like t-to um I like to r-r-read and really a-all" god he so cute "NERD" I heard one of the people say

He lowers his head in sadness, oh did that get me angry "shut the fuck up you shithead" the dude looks at me and then shuts up

I look at sasuke and he looks up and looks like he could cry at any minute I hear some people snicker and I glare at the whole class iruka gave everyone he saw laugh or snicker detention

I run down to sasuke and take him to the bathroom god they are dicks "hey are you ok" "y-yeah I'm fine just gonna get in the stall OK bye you can leave me alone

"Fuck that I'm not leaving" he just goes in the stall after a little bit I hear sniffling and then crying I knock "can I come in" "no *sniff* go away *sniff* aren't you *sniff* embarrassed to be *sniff* with me I just *sniff* got here and *sniff* I'm a-already a-a-a loser *sniff*" "your not a loser for one there just assholes that you don't need to pay attention"

"And for two your new that's what they do no matter-" I can't say that hell get freaked out and run away I feel the stall open and then I feel him hug me my eyes widen

"Um s-sasuke w-what are you doing" "no matter *sniff* w-what, what were *sniff* you going to say" "u-um" I can't say that he might freak out " it doesn't matter what I was going to say right I mean its just um......"

God what am I going to say "I do care what were you going to say your my only friend right w-were friends r-r-right" oh goddamn it I'm gonna die he's so cute

"Yes were friends sasuke" of I can't denie him "t-then tell me what you were going to say p-please" "o-ok I was going to say no matter how c-cute you are"

I said the last part very softly that he couldn't hear "w-what was that n-naruto" "u-um n-no matter h-how cute you are" oh god I can see it now I just know I have a blush on my face "w-w-w-WHAT U-UM I DONT REALLY THINK IM THAT I JUST t-think I'm cute" he says looking down oh god what do I say oh god did I tell you he moved his hands to my CHEST oh my god help

"I mean I u-um" "w-well d-do you" he says looking up at me "y-yes" oh god he's going to run away from me

I see him get a massive blush and I laugh a little when he shoves his face into my chest god he's gonna be the death of me

Oh I just got an idea "do you wanna skip the rest of school with me" he looks at me with a debate in his eyes "s-sure" yes


|Sasuke's POV|

So we get to his car I can't believe he called me cute ME, LIKE IM NOT THAT CUTE I'm a nerd,a geek, a loser but not to naruto god he's so nice

We get in to his car and he asked me "where you wanna go sasuke" "um I don't know I just moved here" "oh well you wanna go to get food" oh I can't get food my parent didn't give money they gave it to itachi of course he gets all of the stuff he is the favorite

1030 words

(A/N) OK so I know it was two days ago and I'm sorry I went to the hospital I got knocked out for a couple of hours from well a door yeah stupid right oh now I'm ranting well I'm hoping you enjoyed

the cute new student |NARUSASU|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя