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Areum looked at jimin as he was staring at the little boy who was asleep on Areum's warm lap thinking it of his own mother "how is this possible?" Jimin said as Areum looked at him confused "what do you mean ?" She asked as he looked at her "Y/n got into an accident where she lost her baby and the doctors had to do a surgery where the removed the whatever that thing is called " jimin said as Areum caressed jungwon's silky soft hairs which helped him to sleep peacefully "maybe it was all lie as you told me that he is a doctor you said maybe he had everything planned before hand ?" Areum said guessing as jimin looked at her so proudly "Areum baby I never asked you about your studies " he said as she rolled her eyes "because you were busy with your addiction " she said as he smiled embarrassed "umm tell me what do you wanted to learn ?"he asked as she smiled a little "I've always wanted to be a psychiatrist to help those insane people who lose themselves but because of few issues I couldn't so I decided to work as an nurse...but that's how I met you " areum said as both couple looked at eachother in silence "am thankful for that " he said as both of them laughed a little looking at eachother again but the romantic moment got disturbed by the little young boy "where is momma and daddy ?" He asked while looking at Areum she smiled "I'll take you to your momma soon baby you trust me right?" She asked as the boy nodded "umm meet jimin uncle" she said as the boy glared at jimin "no he is not my uncle he tried to hit daddy " he said as jimin looked at him amused "trust me jungwon he is not bad man " areum said as jimin chuckled "oh how much I wanna see you handling our baby like this " he said as Areum's eyes shot open wide on jimin's handsome face and even jungwon looked at jimin in disgust "what I I didn't said anything wrong " jimin tried to defend himself as jungwon held Areum neck for support and whispered something in her ear making her giggle and someone else jealous at the sight...

Y/n sighed as she looked around she found herself asleep in the new room which she definitely doesn't recognize her eyes shot open when she realised what has happened before "jungwon jin " she whispered as she moved from the bed she tired to open the door but it seemed locked she banged on the door "PLEASE HELPPPPPPPP SOMEONE HELPPPPPP JUNGWONN AHHHHH" she yelled as she banged the door whole tears left her eyes jungwon and jin are her only family she cannot lose no she cannot "please help " she sobbed as she had no power left...because she didn't took her medications on time yes it's been 1 whole week she hasn't had her medication and jin doesn't know it she wanted to know what work does exactly those medications do ........she slipped down on the floor crying mess....she looked around the room now looked kinda familiar she is sure she has seen it but where she doesn't remember it ,it has memories of it but yet it is unknown....

she looked around the room now looked kinda familiar she is sure she has seen it but where she doesn't remember it ,it has memories of it but yet it is unknown

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She closed her eyes as her head started paining a bit "ahh" she groaned

"You belong to me Y/n only me !!"

"Jung Y/n!!"

"I'll make sure you scream my name "

"I I love you please give me a chance "

"Please don't hate me Y/n I I really love you I promise I'll do my best "

Y/n looked around as she found herself in some strange place she looked around trying to find where she is but her eyes widened when she saw herself standing infront of her in totally different aura Y/n took her steps back..."he thought he made me go too but damn Kim seokjin am Ara its not that easy " she said as Y/n's eyes widened "nice to meet you again Kim Y/n been a long time isn't it ?" Ara said as Y/n gulped not believing what she is seeing right now "Oh come on don't do the drama of who are you ? Where am I bish let me tell you that kim seokjin your great fake husband did all of this he made you lose your memories he is not the good man as you know and the main thing is he is your cousin brother " she said as Y/n's eyes widened in shock "and am your personality to begin with you were suffering from DID multiple personality disorder " Ara said calmly as she rolled her eyes "and you him....not anyone else you only love your one person only him that's all I can tell you now I have to go Y/n my work is done please remember him ,he is suffering he is the one who always comes in your dreams....goodbye kim Y/n..." Ara said as she smiled a bit and went away.....Y/n looked around what did just happened.....?

Jimin looked at Y/n as she slept on the bed unconscious indeed he was worried but soon Areum came inside the room with some warm soup as jungwon followed her and sat on the bed beside his mother worried..."be here I'll be back " jimin said as he went out of the room and took his phone out and called someone "hello ?" The other person picked up immediately "hello ?" Jimin said as he smiled "bring him here at my house I've found the cure of him "jimin said as he sighed keeping the phone inside his pocket of Jean's...."I've always been the reason of your separation this time I'll be the reason of your meeting...." he said to himself as he smiled a little his heart feeling peace at some reason...

                  To Be Continued.......

Her Dark Shade's : The Eternal. Jimin Ff.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt