pt ². He was my beginning

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" What's the deal between you and Hyunwoo Sunbae?" Juyeon asked
" What about him? He's just an asshole." Yu-Mi grumbled
" Didn't you like him?" He asked
" Yeah I did. My whole life started with Hyunwoo, ever since I was young. Hyunwoo was the beginning of my story. I always thought he would be at the end of my story. Or the one to end it. But ever since he lost his mom when he was 10 everything changed, for me and him. I was his only sort of comfort, but my condition got wores by every second. He witnessed the two people he loved the most be hooked to machines. The only things that kept them alive."
" That- I couldn't imagine the pain..."

" Mhm, I went into a coma for a month due to the illness. During that month I lost my memories from before. I forgot all about the Hyunwoo who started my story. When I woke up he wasn't the same, he was the Hyunwoo I know now."
" Do you think he knows?"
" He does, he's way too stubborn to comprehend someone else who isn't him."
" Have you tried?"
" To remember! I did multiple times, he always asks me to remember but I can't. Everyone always asks me to remember something I believe never happened. He scares sometimes." 
" Eun Hyun-woo, why are you scared of him Yu-Mi?"
" Terrified is more like it, because of his consent begging and relentless screaming and yelling. He use to drag me everywhere by my wrist."
" Did it hurt?"
" When he hurt me? All the time. It also hurt emotionally. Knowing that I was falling in and out of love with someone who abused me constantly scared me."
" He was like a drug to me, I tried to quit but I needed more of him to feel satisfied."
" He hurt you, how did you get over him?"

" Promise not to freak?"
" I won't freak out."
" You remember Golden Chid? You know the group on Kingdom who has a devilishly handsome maknae named Choi Bomin?"
" Golden Child? Devilishly handsome maknae? Bomin? Isn't he the guy who worked in all those shows and dramas in?!"
" Yeah him. We might have...dated for 4 years including two months- but he helped me get over HyunJoon and Hyun-woo all together!"
" Wait a minute, YOU LIKED HYUNJOON?!"
" Everyone likes Hyunjoon don't deny it."
" I guess. So you dated Bomin?"
" yeah, I was in love with him. Madly in love. Maybe even more then Hyunwoo."
" Why did you break up then?"
" He was my everything. My sun. But after I was forced into an engagement with Hyunwoo I was terrified. His parents found out, they forced me to break up with him or else they'll ruin his career and I would be at fault."

" So you really broke up with him?"
" Mhm I wanted to wait for each, I still wanted to be to together. But he moved on first. That stupid idiot moved on to date my best friend. And he had the audacity to block me."
" How dare he?! He just moves on and dates your best friends?? And blocks your number?! What is his problem?! If I was dating you I'd never let you go!"
" Never let me go? That sounds nice."
" Well of course! You're the most beautiful and amazing woman I know! Anyone would be lucky to have you!"
" Hyunwoo was my beginning, HyunJoon and Bomin are my middle and Juyeon... you're my ending."
" Ending? You want me to be your ending?"
" Yeah I do. It's time to let Hyunwoo, HyunJoon and Bomin go. He was my beginning...and I want you to be my ending Lee Juyeon."

" I'll be your ending Yu-Mi."

" I can't wait."

" Will you-?"

" And I'll break it off with Hyunwoo. I've been waiting for it." 

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