Chapter. 12

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Y/n's POV

We entered the restaurant as they greeted us "go upstairs I'll be back soon after attending this call and babe do order for me too " he said as I smiled holding jungwon we went to VIP section I looked around and saw a couple sitting at the other side it was all full of roses looks like proposal I smiled and walked towards our seat but jungwon was still looking at the couple..."momma that ajushi called your name " jungwon said as I looked at the couple the man was on his knee as he held the girls wrist "huh? No baby you must have heard it wrong how many times do I tell you not to disturb couples now let's sit or daddy will scold both of us " I said as I picked him up and glanced at the couple embarrassed "am sorry mister and miss please continue " I said as I took our sits setting our selves I sighed as I feel hella embarrassed I looked at the couple as they were now hugging but damn soon he kissed her making me widened my eyes and put hand on jungwon's eyes my baby is pure I looked at the couple I sighed "did you waited for long?" I looked up and saw my husband "noo babe " I said as he smiled.

Authors POV

Areum cried as she tugged jimin's shirt in order to stop him from hurting himself like this "please mr.park " she said as she sobbed he sighed cupping her beautiful face in his hands "look at me Areum look me in the eyes and say that you don't wanna be with me do not say you don't feel anything for me..." he said as she closed her eyes as tears fell from them "you are saying this because you haven't saw her yet,once you will see her face you will be back to the her jimin " she said as she opened her eyes "please " she whispered as he didn't agreed "please Areum I need you only you please stay with me " he said as he joined his forehead with her "what if you see her and then you regret this " she asked lightly as he giggled "I'm park jimin once am determined of my decision I'm on it no matter what baby " he said smiling a little as he whipped her tears away and pecked her forehead "say that you love me " he demanded as she looked down "I like you " she whispered "ayy" he growled "meet her please "she said as he sighed "come with me " he said holding her hands "I'll be mess without you " he said looking in her eyes as all she saw was love,sincerity and care "I'm always here " she whispered as she smiled .......

Jimin sighed as he gulped holding Areum's hand he turned around to look at his love there she was smiling,laughing with a baby and a man who was back facing them...her eyes shining brightly as she was too into the talk with her new family the child because her was not exactly the carbon copy of her but his smile was the same as her...a heart one..."ohhhh Y/n noonaaaaaaaa" the baby yelled as he ran from his seat towards Areum, areum smiled kneeling infront of him...Y/n looked at them smiling but her eyes widened when she saw the man standing beside the young girl..

Y/n's POV

This man.....I've seen him somewhere but where unknowingly my heart ached tears build up in my eyes "babe what's wrong ?" He asked as I nodded as no what is this pain all of sudden that man kept looking at me as if there is only us and no one else...those eyes they are so sad.......the tears fell from my eyes as he wiped them away "babe ?" He asked again as he turned around to look at what am seeing but that man's eyes widened in utter shock as his hands clenched into fist it looks like he is angry all of sudden....

Authors POV

Jimin's world shattered as he felt really bad and sad for his own friend...he never really expected this..."you ?" Jimin asked as the man infront of him gulped but still stood there "hey there jimin " he said as jimin strided towards him in full rage holding his collar as the man sighed "HOW DARE YOU KIM SEOKJIN!!!!!!" jimin yelled as Y/n and jungwon started crying looking at the man who out of nowhere held there husband/father by collar "Daddyyyyyy" jungwon cried as he ran towards the mans Y/n moved forward holding jimin's hand and pushing him away "who the hell are you mister how dare you yell at my husband like this !!!!!" Y/n yelled as jimin looked at her in shock "what husband Y/n....he he is not your husband and where have you been Y/n ba-i I mean Y/n " jimin said as Y/n just looked at him in confusion "KIM SEOKJIN YOU BETTER EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!!!" jimin growled angrily as he tried to punch jin but Areum held his hand...scared...she was scared..."please-please am scared " she whispered holding his hand with her both she was shivering he calmed down closing his eyes "motherfucker !!" Jimin said as he held Areum's hand and pulled her away from the mess outside and called his mans "come up we have guests " he said and kept the call looking at Areum who was shivering badly as tears left her eyes he sighed making her sit on the bench he kneeled infront of her holding her both hands "I scared you didn't I?" He asked as she tried to smile a little but failed miserly "I I'm worried worried about that baby " areum said as jimin sighed pecking her both hands "I'll be calm okay ? Please don't cry it hurts right here " he said holding putting her hand on his chest "I genuinely need you areum please everytime you cry my heart aches and I hate it...I want to see your beautiful smile always give your all pain to me..." he said as she smiled and hugged him as they both stood up "you are the one who gives me pain and then gives the medicine mr.park " she whispered as he closed his eyes holding her closer he calmed down immediately "call me by my name " he demanded "your way to older than me " she giggled as he smiled a little "wanna try oppa ?" He asked as she Immediately nodded as no "then ?" He asked as she took a deep breath "jimin shi " she whispered his name....he smiled "yes Areum shi ?" He said making her giggle a little...

*A perfect couple isn't it he is the one gives her pain and he is also the one who gives her medicine for it ,even after seeing his love for whome he became crazy his heart still crazily beated faster when he held Areum closer to him ,She cried too but his heart only ached when he saw Areum crying yes indeed Y/n is his love but Areum is someone who he wants to get old with*.

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