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"So thats what happened..mikey" sanzu said glancing at y/n laying in Mikey's bed..

He headed straight to mikey and tell all of kisaki's dirty doing.

"mm.. he also asked for my help to get y/n last month but I didn't know he would hurt her that bad..
I was trying to make toman a big organization  that's why I recruited kisaki...We still have to fight with tenjiku." Mikey stated feeling guilty..

"Nah she's good" sanzu said

"Ja im going to get her tomorrow" sanzu stand up and left the house.

I opened my eyes.. it is now morning.. im in a bed.. its so hot something is hugging me


"Aaah!!" I saw a familiar face. He is sleepy and groaning in annoyance

"D-o ii knnow u?" I asked getting away from his grip. "Hnggggjapwksn" he responded hugging me more

"Le-let g-go!"

"Can you stop for a bit?!" He finally let go but trapped me to his arms facing me..

The door opened. Both of us were shocked we look at the door and it was..

Inui.. with sanzu.. suddenly the sadness waves towards me.. i look at this man on top of me. I pushed his eggs with all my force.

"Ouch!!! Sanzu!! Did u see it?! This woman is dangerous!!" I laughed loudly


"it's my bed" he said looking at sanzu.. so his name is mikey? I can't stop laughing!

"BUT SHES A GIRL AAAAA MY BABY!!" He said running towards me

"Ay oops! I mean inui baby! Hahahaha!" He ruffled my hair

"Shut up woman!" Mikey said in a childish way

I glared at mikey and he also. We are having a staring contest when someone broke it.

"Cough cough" it was inui

I remembered it again and lowered my head..

"Let's go sanzu they need to talk to each other"

Mikey stated getting his towel and walked out of the room

I hugged myself.. i dont want to speak..

"Y-y/n..look i-im so-sorr—"

" there's nothing to talk about.. you already said everything yesterday.." i sniffs and lay again in the bed covering myself with the blanket.

Im trying to cry in silent so he won't heard it but i keep sniffing and suddenly i started to hiccups

I felt a hand on my waist..
His layed his head to my head..

"Are you okay? ( i burst in tear) dont cry y/n..shh im sorry.. I didn't mean anything yesterday.. i i-i that kisaki guy ordered me... if I didn't do it he will kill u infront of me.."

"B-b-but y-you s-aid u- d-don't l-love mme a-nnyrmore *sobs*"

"No...i still love you..." he showers my neck with his kisses.. it made me feel butterflies in my stomach..

"I-im —ss-ory i-left u-u i-n a —month hhangging" i said

" shh it's okay.. ur here now.. so im okay.." he whispered to me hugging me more tight..

His lips are making me shiver in cold
He turned me around.. i can clearly see his scars.. i lifted my hand to touch it. He hold my hand putting it in his cheek trying to feel my warmth..

"I..missed you" he stated before connecting our lips together.. my tears wont stop scrolling down.. i gathered my hands on his neck as i deepen our kiss

"I—miss this" he kissed me again

" i wanna feel u so bad" he said to me as he slowly put his hand under my shirt

"I-inui! We're in mikeys bed!"

"Nah it's okay.." he connected our lips together again as he squeeze my breast. I moan in pleasure

"Cough cough"

We both stop and look away.. our face is blushing madly right know

I push him gently to get up the bed. I supported my legs with my hand.

"Earlier u kicked my holy then now ur doing holy in my bed?!" Mikey complained as he glared at me. I smiled to him and come towards sanzu

"What? I thought ur my baby huhu inui u liar!" Sanzu said playfully

"Be careful" as he supported my waist so i wont fall

I hugged him tightly
"Sanzu.. thank you.."

"Inui see this! She pick me! Hahahahaha!"
I laughed at sanzu's chest

"Why are u hugginghim!!!" Inui screamed

"Mee too!" Mikey asked

I broke the hug and look to mikey.
"What? Did u fall in love with me?" He smirked

"Im sorry guys but shes mine" inui said hugging me from behind

I smiled in happiness as we laugh together

It's You.. InuixMikey x y/n Where stories live. Discover now