"If you're going be sick at the sight of blood, then go." None of them did. More out of compassion for Izuku, than a stomach for blood. They wanted to be there to support him, as that was why he was there. 

Izuku opened the door and showed them, with a theatrical wave of his arms... contrasting the inside as the tang of iron washed out into the hall. The smell of iron... and fresh blood... "Ta-Da! Welcome to my room! What do you think?"

Everyone was shocked as they peered inside. The walls were covered with blood, and bloody drawings, nonsense sayings and other things one would only find in a madhouse. The piano cover had a bit of blood on it, not covering any of the keys though. The bookshelf held clothes, and his journals. His bed had red sheets, thankfully not bloody.

Bakugo couldn't believe what Izuku could do. "How... why?!"
"Because... this is what I like! It's my favorite color and food! It's a space where I can be myself..." That is when they noticed his mouth was freshly bleeding and blood ran down from his wrists. It was clear where he got his 'paint'.

Kirishima held a hand over his mouth, on the verge of being sick. And he wasn't alone, but the most vocal. "What the hell Midobro..."
Momo, on the other hand, was still completely horrified, especially since she allowed this. By creating the razor for him, she gave him the method he could use to do... this... to himself. "Oh god..."

Aizawa, however, was having none of this. These students wouldn't be helping him right now. "Iida, get everyone to the common room. I need a private word with Midoriya."

"Sir! Everyone, you heard him!" They left, and Aizawa closed the door on them, stating without words that this conversation was over, for now. 

After the door closed, there was nothing but an awkward silence... before Izuku spoke first, cutting through it like one of his strikes. "I gave your offer some thought... I'll take it... dad." The word was unusual for him. For as long as he's lived, he's never really had a father. Inko never spoke of Hisashi, but he seemed to want nothing to do with him, especially not now. But... dad was not the word to use. It just didn't fit. He'd find one to use later.
Surprised that that was the first thing addressed, he nodded. "O-oh... Well, that's good news... but I'm not letting you in the house if you're going to do this to the walls."

He shook his head, acknowledging the legitimacy of the question. "Nah, I'll only do this here. This is my space, that is your house."

Relieved, the hero regained his composure and started to say what he wanted to. "Look... Mid... no, Izuku, there is no way you are going to recover, surrounded by... all of this. It's cool you have a piano in here, but all of the blood... I get that your quirk is centered around it, but you can't surround yourself with it like... this. It just isn't healthy."

Shaking his head, the raven haired self maiming boy pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, father, I get that you are worried, but like the bird man down there, this is who I am. I've embraced it. However, you all gave me a chance to use this... this madness to be better. And I will train with that in mind. However, mental scars don't heal easily... neither does the effects of this curse I have to bear." It was still clear that he viewed his quirk as something to be hated more than the fact he embraced it. Stuff to work on later. 
"Well... alright. I don't have to approve of..." He struggled to find a... diplomatic word for his room in general... "...this... to care for you as a son. Get ready though, I'm taking you to meet your adopted mother and brother, in a few minutes. I don't know if you realize, but she works for UA."
Giving a cheeky side eye, he attempted to lighten the mood, maybe crack a smile, but it fell flat. "I already have a brother... I'm guessing Joke gave you a good time?" Immediately regretting that joke, he took it back. "No, wait, I don't want to sound like that grape."
Shaking his head in disappointment, Aizawa agreed. "Yeah, please don't... and no, he's adopted like you."

Understanding as much, he nodded, "Ok." He went into the closet, and pulled out a white hoodie. This one was not stained, but it was likely this wouldn't last. Blood tended to be very, very noticeable.
Continuing, while his new son put it on, he stated, "I think you'll find you have a lot in common... both of you were hated for your quirks at one point in your lives. And he's in the other class."

Adjusting the hood, he turned to his new father, "Really? I'll have to meet them. Give them the scare of a lifetime."

Aizawa and Izuku arrived in the living room area together. The rest of the class only watched as, casually, Izuku left the building for a walk, while Aizawa stayed behind to address them all.

Jirou asked, not having her eyes leave the boy until he couldn't be seen. "What was that about?"
He rubbed a hand over his hand, pulling his hair from his eyes as he started to explain, "Despite the outgoing nature he has shown you, do not forget that he is a... disturbed individual." Pausing to make sure they understood, he continued, "Hopefully, through exposure to kind and accepting people, and a proper school life, he can become a better person, a hero even. But everyone must help in this process. Understood?"

The class cheered, ready to help however they could. "Yes!"

However, Mina... had a question, after the show of solidarity. "What did his house look like?"

There was a glance of concern from the teacher. But he would show, if that was what they really wanted. "You really want to know?"

Unsure, she tried to make her voice not sound nervous. Partially failing, the pinkette replied, "Yes...?"
Aizawa took out his phone and showed them pictures of every room. Of the bloody walls, the priceless Allmight posters defaced, the piles of bloody clothes, clean as best he could, but still stained past the point of redemption... as well as the photo of his arrest, Midnight on his bed, clearly having exerted herself to contain him... safe to say, the Class was shocked. Kirishima asking, "He did this to his house?!"

Tokoyami commented to the group, after seeing that image. "He always had an inner darkness. I was amazed by how quickly everyone either ignored or forgot..."

Ochako asked, a little concerned. After all, everyone should at least greet him. "Is that why you didn't talk to him?"
Nodding, while feeling a little guilty, he admitted, "I felt no need to pry into his nature, as I understood who he was perfectly well. I will still help make sure the abyss he stands beside doesn't consume him."

That seemed good enough for everyone else. However, Momo asked, "Where did he go?"

Aizawa paused, before adding, hurrying faster than they'd seen him, save the USJ. "For a walk. I'll check up on him..."

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