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One doesn't generally look into mirrors when one is especially angry; one has better things to do, like pace the floor or throw things.
- Robin McKinley

We often throw rocks not realizing that they're going to land somewhere.
- Craig D. Lounsbrough

The size of the tree you cut determines the weight with which you have to throw the axe.
- Israelmore Ayivor

You throw away things you love less every time you are demanded to sacrifice something.
- Tamuna Tsertsvadze

Only the hand fails to throw as straight as the eye sees.
- Chinua Achebe

If you must catch, you must not fear what is being thrown.
- TemitOpe Ibrahim

Go with your way, this life is full of secrets, there are many interesting doors to go through ; open and enter do not throw the chance away.
- Lina


I don't know why the thought of me being obsessed with cleaning my library annoys , mai .
l like to clean my library daily, and this bothers Miss mai a lot.😂

Question ; how's the weather in your country , in here it's windy and hot .

Thank you for reading

Love of Wisdom🪁حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن