Good day, Mr. Bad Boy

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        It was a day like any other; nothing special, nothing different.

I was sitting in the library twirling my brown curl around my finger and tapping my pen on the empty notebook page in front of me. Usually writing my papers for Creative Writing was so easy. Mrs. Davies always gave us a specific topic to write about, but this time she had given us open creativity. Maybe that's why I was having such a hard time. I keep tapping my pen to a beat in my head when I see him, Aiden McCormick, the schools bad boy. What is he doing in the library? He's never been in here before. I watch fascinated as he boldly walks down an isle of books, running his hand through his shaggy black hair. He has really nice hair, long, but not too long, and so black and shiny. I remember him from before, before he was a bad boy, back when he was actually okay. We had gym together and on dodge-ball day he would be on my team since I was so horrible and it, and protect me from the people who would purposely try to get the easy target out (i.e. me). After a while he started sitting with me and my friends at lunch, I had the biggest crush on him back then. 

And then in seventh grade everything changed. His mom died, nobody really knows what happened. Some speculate that his dad killed her, but that's just a rumor, he was never arrested. And after that, he started fighting in school and getting in trouble. The only reason he wasn't expelled is because we were in a really remote area in Oregon and there wasn't another public school for well over a hundred miles. Of course military school was always an option, but that was expensive and rumor had it that his father had stopped working some time ago and that money was really tight for them. 

I watch Aiden stop in front of one particular section and engross himself in the selection of books in front of him. He runs his hand through his hair again and looks around. As his eyes start to move towards me I quickly look down and pretend to be writing something. How embarrassing! He almost caught me staring! I hear a giggle and dare to look up again only to see a tall, leggy blonde with her arms wrapped around Aiden from behind. The leggy blonde in question is Ember Johnson, she had requested library duty as her "Work Study" job. I was usually the only one who applied for it and so I got extra hours, but because she applied we were split up half the week to her, half to me. Today was one of her days. And I suddenly realized she had requested it. Aiden turns around and puts his hand up to her neck, revealing the key card she's wearing on a key chain, and he tugs on it. She reaches over and runs her hand down the front of his shirt, down to his pants line, and tugs on them. Oh. My. God. 

She grabs his hand and starts pulling him towards the small office in the back of the library, in which the key card leads to, and he follows loyally. But not before turning to look at me again, this time I'm caught. He winks at me (winks!) and then follows behind Ember. I should be mad; my favorite job as library attendant has been cut due to Ember applying just so she can have sex with Aiden in the office, but I can't see to get there because suddenly I know what I'm going to write about: The bad boy, and the good girl. I'm on page five when there is a commotion in the front of the library. I look up to see Ben Gordon, our football quarter back, stalking through the rows of books. 

"Where is he?!" He yells to himself, or someone else, I can't tell. 

He disappears towards the office, and I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Five seconds later there is a scream, a real high pitch girly one, and the sound of grunting. Suddenly Ember is in front of me, blonde hair messy around her face, in her pink push up bra and tight see-through leggings. 

"Help, please help." She says to me. 

There is mascara and eye liner running under her eyes and she looks desperate. I get up in a hurry and run after her only to see three guys from the football team, including Ben, beating the crap out of Aiden. You would think that three big football guys against one not so big, but still well muscled, average guy, would be a shoe-in, but Aiden seems to be holding his own. 

"Cut that out!" I yell at them. "Fighting is not permitted on school grounds!" 

I grab the closest guys arm and pull him back, only to have him push me into a row of books. My back hits the shelf and I wince in pain. Aiden sees, and punches that guy right in the nose. Because turned his back on the other two to defend me, he's taken down and the guys start kicking him in the ribs and back. Ember is standing there like the useless girl she is, and I know I have to do something fast. I grab a book off the shelf, and run at the guy that had shoved me, slamming it on the side of his head. The guy makes an "omph" sound and backs away from Aiden, confused. The next guy sees me coming and grabs the book before I can hit him so I kick him, hard, right between the legs. He falls to his knees very fast, yelling in pain. Before I can address Ben, he grabs my arms and wraps me against his chest, stopping any attack I had planned. Aiden is still curled up on the ground, and Ember runs to him. 

"Get out of here." Ben tells Ember. "Get your fucking clothes on and get out of here." 

Ember sobs and runs into the office. In a minute flat shes running from the library, coward! The other two guys recover, slowly, and then everyone is looking at me. 

"Looks like you've got yourself a little guardian angel." Ben tells Aiden. "Count your blessings that I don't hit girls." 

Ben looks around my shoulder at my face and then kisses my cheek. I balch as he lets me go and wipe away the spot. Gross! Before I can yell profanities at him, he's gone. I run to Aiden, taking account of his wounds. He sits up and winces. 

"Maybe you shouldn't move." I tell him. 
"I'm fine." He replies, staring at me with guarded eyes. 
"You're not fine, you just had your ass kicked." 
Aiden laughs at this. "That was nothing. I would have been fine if you hadn't gotten involved." 
I glare at him. "A 'thank-you for saving me from being killed' would suffice." 
"They only got me down because I was helping you." He argues. 
I roll my eyes. "Great, so next time I'll let you get your ass kicked." 
"Thank-you." He says, and I roll my eyes again. 
"Maybe we should get you to the nurse." 
"You could be my nurse." 

I look into his blue eyes in shock. He did not just say that! Aiden is smirking at me and I'm staring at him with eyes as wide as saucers. 

"You're seriously hitting on me not even twenty minutes after hooking up with someone else? Do you have no shame?"
"No shame in my game." He says. 
I slap his shoulder and he winces. "Sorry!" I say in a hurry. 
"Its fine." He replies, gruffly. 
"But seriously, that's gross. I have more class then to fall for your flattery and flirting mere minutes after you were just with someone else. Next time you want to hit on me, at least wait twenty-four hours." 
"You want there to be a next time?" He asks. 

Suddenly I blush. I can't of implied that, hadn't I? 

"No." I say, cheeks still flaming. "I was just saying." 
"I'll keep that in mind," He say. "Help me up." 
He holds out his hand and I stand up, pulling him along with me. He winces again and groans. I look down at my watch and see the time. 

"Crap. I missed my bus." 
"You ride the bus?" He asks. 
"Yes." I say. "We have two cars but on the days my mom works she has to take it the one I use and I ride the bus." 
"I'll give you a ride." Aiden says. 
"You're injured." I reply. 
"I'll live, come on lets go." 

Aiden start to walk/limp out of the library and I run to the table I was at and grab my stuff. My story will have to wait for now.


For those of you that like The Baby (Bump) Blues and The Baby Blues I think you'll like this one :) 

Its going to be a little cliche, but also not. This book is going to be very interesting...I hope :) Let me know what you think below in comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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