19. Nice to meet ya?-Part I

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Loud pop music was blasting around the Trivedi household while the youngest Trivedi jumped around joyfully in the confines of her room stopping only when she felt the floorboards shake with the all too well known poking of the broomstick coming from her mother dearest downstairs.

Abruptly, the music stopped and she could make out the voices of her parents arguing. Gauri groaned, she wished her sister was here but Annika was too busy canoodling with her boyfriend on some beach right about now. Guess she'd have to bear the brunt of the 'conversation' herself this time. Tying up her hair on her way downstairs, Gauri slid into the kitchen waiting and watching to see how long it would take for her parents to notice that she was there.

"But she's too young!" her father protested, taking a sip of tea.

"Nonsense Harsh, she's 25 now! I was married and Annika was a year old by the time I was her age." her mother dismissed.

Her father took a great sigh, "She isn't you. Gauri and Annika are two different people, they are not you or me."

"Uh, you guys? What's going on?" Gauri interjected from the sideline.

"We're starting to look for boys for you beta, I've even found a match!" her mother said excitedly.

Gauri gaped, looking at her mother in utter shock.

"But maa, I'm not even considering getting married yet!"

"Then start thinking about it. You're going to meet Omkara Singh Oberoi in 2 days." her mother ordered.

"But Annika? Why can't she get married first?" Gauri exploded.

"Because your sister has a boyfriend, even though she refuses to tell us his name."

Gauri scoffed, of course her mother would say such ridiculous things. Anything to protect her favourite child.

"But maa, what about my job?"

"Arre don't worry, I'm sure they'll let you work after you get married!" her mother brushed off Gauri's worries, leaving her even more infuriated.

She raised her eyebrows, "Let me? They don't need to 'let' me do anything maa because it's my life and my job".

Slamming her fist on the table, she left the room the room in a huff, deaf to her mother's pleas. In her room she slid against the wall in defeat letting the tears spill.

It's not fair! Why does Annika get away with everything? What about me and my aspirations? Why does Maa not care? I'm done with this shit.

She sat there silently sobbing in despair, groaning when there was a knock on her door.

"Gauri? Are you okay?" Harsh called.

Gauri hastily wiped the stray tears from her face and in a stuffy voice, called back. "I'm okay papa, don't worry."

Her father knocked on the door once again, but she refused to open it. There was a thick silence. "Take you time Gauri, you're a strong girl. I know you are."

From inside the room Gauri finally smiled, her father was right. She was strong and she wasn't going to take her mother's whims anymore. "I need a breather." she mumbled, pulling open her closet door and changing from her baggy t-shirt into something a little more suitable. Once done, she flung her window open, peering down to check if it was safe. "Well as long as I don't break my arm." and then she jumped out of the window, landing face down on the grass. Wincing slightly at the after effect, she stood up rather shakily, wiping away any dirt or grass that might have stuck to her.
Quickly spotting her scooter outside the gates, Gauri walked hesitantly so she wouldn't be caught, shutting the door with the smallest creak. Looking up, she thought she saw her father glancing out the window and in order to avoid detection slid to the side without looking.

"Ow! Watch where you're going miss" yelled a man. Gauri had managed to bump into some total stranger and bit her lip in worry.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" she breathed, pushing the man further back, "I hope you're not hurt?"

She couldn't really see his face, it was obscured partially by long dark hair, possibly silkier than her own. From what she could take in, he seemed decent, a sharp jawline with a 5 o'clock stubble wearing cargo pants and a white shirt. There was a bracelet clattering on his wrist too, with two charms- S&R.

"No its okay," he said, finally pushing his hair away from his face, "You really should be more careful though."

Gauri nodded feverishly, eager to get away from the surroundings, if one of the neighbouring aunties caught her, she'd be in deep trouble.

"I'm Om by the way," the man said sticking out his hand, "you are?"

Gauri took his hand, smiling, "Gauri, nice to meet you."

A/N: So this is an arranged marriage shot as requested but I wanted to give it a different twist. I know I haven't updated in ages but I'm off my socials at the moment, spending time with my family. Please don't hate on the chapter name- its One Direction again :/

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Thank you for reading, stay safe.
lots of love,
writinganewtale ✨

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