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5 months later

A heavy sigh escaped Jungkook's wet lips, his mind mushed and everywhere as he rake both of his hands across his jet black hair. His eyes closing in delectation, tongue passing along the line of his lips as he relaxes his tensed muscles under the drops of warm water coming from the shower, letting tiny drips of them travel every curve and nook of his muscles and body. Finally, everything's running smoothly like it should be. Is what he have in mind — thinking about the state of their company which after half of a year — now completely stable.

Suddenly he felt two smooth arms slither through his arms and wrap themselves around his waist making him gasp. A pair of warm nipples and supple round flesh pressed against his naked back, only then he realized what was going on. "Vi—! You frightened me!" He scolded but only earned a giggle from the younger who's embracing him from behind.

"I kept calling you and asking if I could join you in shower, but you were too preoccupied." She mumbled against his back, her lips pressed against his spine and he could tell that she's pouting.

Jungkook twisted his body, turning around to face her, his hands finds their way to cup her cheeks and force her eyes to look at his own obsidian ones. A fond smile rest in his lips as he surveys her. "You're being too needy and clingy lately, what's up with you babygirl?"

"Just — I miss you." Violet sighs, enjoying how the shower drench and devours both of their body. "Both of you are barely home and university is just being a bitch — I..."

She stopped, not finding it good of her to be complaining when she knows how much the twins were already too bemused by their occupation. Violet didn't want to add up, she didn't like being a spoiled brat and be childish about not having enough time with the twins as she was sure that whenever they can — they always pamper her with love and would always give in to her and their needs — including sex. But Jungkook notices the sadness on her demeanor, she's unusually gloomy these days and she have constant urge to stick to him or Jeongguk like a baby koala, although she may not see that herself, but she was seeming too touchy and needy these days.

Jungkook lifted her chin up and make eye contact with her again. "Don't worry, everything is finally back to it's own pace in the company. Not much work to do anymore, so that means we get to spend more time together so don't be sad anymore, okay?" He tells her and reassured her with a firm kiss.

Violet finds it odd how Jungkook is somehow becoming too caring lately as if he was becoming a Jeongguk. She didn't mind tho, she knows he is still the playful gammer and anime weeb he is deep down.

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