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The train is so fast. I tried looking at the windows as it slowly become slowmo like im having a moment...

"The train is now at tokyo station"

Finally... I stand up and get my baggage. As the train doors opened i go out of the train. I'm 17 years old if ur wondering i'm an exchange student from Osaka! I'm half chinese and japanese i grew up in china but my aunt persuade me to come to japan because i started hating my families..u know as u started growing older u also can feel the toxic.

Im walking to the stairs and i can almost see the sky. It was dark but beautiful because of stars..

After walking for 30 mins i can see my rented condo in 3rd floor. It is 10 mins walk to my new school.

I was walking to the stairs when i saw a group of people walking to the street. ( The stair is see through and it was beside the building so when u look down u can see everything)

A sound of bell is what I've heard when the people passed by.
" ha it must be them, i should go quickly it's almost midnight"


"Sawarasenai kimi wa shoujo na no"
I blinked a few times and realize it was my alarm😂😂😂. I quickly got up and do my morning routine.

Now i was walking to my school when i saw a vending machine!

"Waaaa yabai there's a vending machine near my home!! I should buy milktea"
I get my coin purse and click the button of milktea. I bend down to get it and started walking again. When i was inside the school i can feel some stares at me but it was quiet.

"Everyone! This is ur new classmate! Introduce urself!" The teacher said to the front.
"Ohayo! y/n des.. it's nice meeting u all" i said and smiled awkwardly.
"Ok go sit there near the window" "hai.."

Im very shy to new people but when i get comfortable im very talkative and cheerful!

Then we studied for 3 hours when it was breaktime I immediately get my milktea and go to the library.

"Aaah! I wish they have some manga!"
I opened the door and quickly find some manga. As i was passing by i heard a sound of bell. This is familiar hmm i heard it somewhere. Ha nevermind! Im going to find some attack on titan manga! I haven't finished it to my old school.

It's been 15 mins since i was finding
"Haay i should give up" i said sadly and started walking to go out of library. Suddenly as i pass by to some cabinets i saw a man sleeping to the window wearing.. heels? And beside him was a man admiring him

"Am i right? He's admiring him" i said quietly
And then the man kiss the sleeping man!
I quickly lowered my head and started running

"Ha...Ha..Haaa THIS SCHOOL IS WEIRD OMG!" I said while panting. The image of two keeps playing in my head! Is this how dramas in real life?!

The bell ring and it was time for noon subjects
I should forget it! Wait... i run here a while ago.. DID THAT MAN SEE ME?! Ah no no no I shouldn't think some nonsense!

"Ahh im tired" i said while sleeping in my desk. The school is done the students were going home. I lifted my head and stared at the window.. This feels..nice new environment new people new feelings aaaa i love this feeling!

I look at the room abd the students already left im alone now. I got up and walked out. Im wearing my buds and started playing make it with you by ben&ben

This is nice the school is empty and i was humming to the song.

"What should i do tonight? Hmm I should wandered around and eat many varieties of streetfood and! Go home" nice plan

I dont know where's my feet taking me but i just walk and walk wondering the beauty of tokyo. I bought some snacks at the 7/11. There was a bridge and below it was grass and lake.
I put down my things and lay to the grass looking at the sky it was like a palette a mix of purple orange and pink.

I didn't realize that i was dozing off while music plays on my earbuds. Im not a weak nor strong but tokyo is also known for safe place.

I woke up and felt my neck hurt ahh I didn't move again.. i should go home.

As i was walking to my condo i heard a bike sounds. "Ahh it hurts my ear" i said

Then it looks familiar ohhh last night! It was them but they where sitting on their bike.

I didn't mind them and started walking to the stairs again and got home.

The next day
Yes i bought milktea again and now im here at library i can't give up! I have a feeling it's there!
As i was walking to the books section i opened my milktea. I look at the side while walking when suddenly "shit!!"

"Aaaa i-im -sorry.. I didn't do it on purpose!! Im sorry!" I said while wiping his uniform with the stain of milktea then i stopped.. HE'S WEARING A HEELS!! HE IS THAT MAN YESTERDAY!! I can feel my face heating up "imsorry!!i will wash it for you! Please dont kill me!!"

"Tsk who said im gonna kill you?" He said agrassively while pinning me to the wall

"Im sorry.. please let me wash it.."
"Oh really? Then what am i gonna wear? U want me half naked walking around?" He said while putting his face closer to me

"Then.. what can i do for you.." he smirked at me then
"Hmm come at the library everyday at lunch and before going home" he whispered to my ear.

It is so hot!! WATDAPAK!!
"Inui!!" A voice at the side said it


"Aaa look!! Were not doing anything! I just spilled my tea to him! Im very sorry!" I said and run out to the library

The two man was left speechless

It's You.. InuixMikey x y/n Where stories live. Discover now