"Let's go" you say getting in a fighting stance.

"Interesting" Sukuna says.

You come at him full force, trying to breath and force air into your lungs as much as possible.

You faked him out and landed a punch to the back of his neck, causing him to stumble a few steps.

"Well shit you are strong huh, I knew I wanted you as my prize since the first time I heard of you."

"What, when the hell did you hear about me?"

"I've always been able to tap in being a part of that dumb boy's body. I heard when you were first introduced as a little rare time stopper. I knew then that I needed to make you mine somehow, some day. And Guess what little one.....today, is that day."

"Really, how did we not know this?" Nobra yelled out.

"We didn't think Sukuna could do that with the little power he had at the time, but apparently..." Nanami started to say but was cut off by Sukuna.

"I've always been more powerful than you think" Sukuna interjected. "Anyways I see now I made a good decision, you are very strong woman, and you possess such beauty." Sukuna says as he makes his way towards you.

"Well, you still can't take her!" Nobra yelled out.

"Let's see" Sukuna says while focusing his attention on Nobra now running towards her again.

Again, you come up and save her just in time, this time letting out a fire blast as he passed you two. It burned his ear, Toge took advantage and yelled out "blast away" Sukuna was pushed back a bit but kept walking towards you.

"Blast away!" "Blast away!" All that would do was push Sukuna back a few steps.

"Oi, stop it" Sukuna lifted his hand to send an attack Toge's way.

You ran towards Toge and let the attack hit you. As you reached Toge you hugged him, and you both looked at your back where you were supposed to be hit.... But nothing was there.

"What the, how?!" Sukuna said.

You looked just as baffled as Sukuna. "I don't know" You looked at Toge and he pretended not to know what happened either.

When actually, you knew why, Toge eventually told you about the necklace, you were upset with him at first putting his life in danger for you, but you understood why he did this and got over it. You needed to keep the true meaning of the necklace a secret though. If it fell into anyone else's hands or was stolen from you that person or curse would be able to take full advantage of not being able to receive any fatal blows, plus Toge's life would be completely in their hands.

"No matter, I'll just take you now, enough of this."

Sukuna ran towards you, inches away from your arm when Nanami jumped in front. Sukuna grabbed his arm and punched him in the chest, knocking him out right away. Panda came at Sukuna as well. Sukuna saw him coming already and punched him in the face hard, sending Panda down as well.

Toge had you in his arms. As Sukuna was busy gloating about how powerful, he was to Megumi and Nobra.

"Y/N I can't lose you; I won't lose you!"

You held onto his face, "I know I don't want to lose you either, but if worse comes to worse..."

Toge cut you off "NO! No if worse comes to worse."

You kiss him "I will get back to you no matter what."

Tears started to fill his eyes, "I will get you back no matter what" he says to you.

Toge Inumaki x  reader:  A True BondWhere stories live. Discover now