Work Study

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Third person P.O.V

Y/n woke up and immediately got out of bed. "Y/n? Why so early?" Hiro spoke in his sleepy voice. "Sorry bro, no time I gotta get to school" Y/n spoke as he got dressed. "Hey, why don't you come with me? Especially since I don't trust you being here alone by yourself" Y/n asked Hiro turning to face him. "Yeah!" Hiro cheered. He got off the bed and got dressed too. Once both were done doing their morning routine they head out. Meeting up with the rest of the class to get going.

Time skip

Y/n was in class with Hiro on his lap. As Y/n was paying attention to Mr. Aizawa while Hiro was buying himself coloring in a coloring book. As the class listen in to the teacher Y/n was somehow hearing something other than the teacher.

Y/n's P.O.V

As I was listening to Aizawa, I suddenly hear a voice. My eyes widened as I looked around. Seeing nothing but the class. The voice stops for a minute and then speaks again. "Find me, please" it spoke. More like, a little girls, it sounds very familiar. Like I've heard it before but I can't think of a name or a face. "L/n" I heard Mr.Aizawa shout. I snap my attention back to the front as I notice everyone staring. "Are you with us?" Aizawa growled. "Y-Yes sir sorry" I apologized as he went back to teaching. Where did that voice come from, more importantly, who did it come from? Suddenly the big three came in as the blonde spoke. I wasn't really paying attention so I ended up only hearing the last part. "Fine, everyone go get changed into your gym clothes and meet us at the gym" Aizawa spoke as the class started to leave. I got up as I picked up Hiro. "Hey! I wasn't done with my masterpiece yet" Hiro whined. "You can finish it later" I spoke as I grabbed his stuff. Once we were all in the locker room I zoned out in thought. Damn it! Where have I heard that voice? I know it! It's just not coming to mind. I was so lost in thought my body stopped moving as I stared at my shirt. Until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I snap out of my thoughts and look at who tapped my shoulder. "Oh Izuku, what's up?" I asked with a small smile. "You were zoning out, what were you thinking about?" he asked as he continued to get dressed. "Oh, nothing important, just random thoughts" I reply. "Oh ok, also one more question" he said as I turn to him and put my UA gym uniform on. "Shoot" I spoke as he looked at my still shirtless chest. "Where did you get those scars?" Izuku asked touching the one on my left arm. His hand then traced the ones on my chest and back. "Yeah I was wondering too where you got all those from?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah, so where'd you get them" Bakugo spoke. "I am also curious about them" Iida spoke. "A lot of times when my body was first getting used to the shape-shifting quirk, when I turned into bigger animals my bones had to change in my body, like when I transformed into an elephant for the first time, it was a bit too much for my body to handle so I got hurt in the process" I explained as I point at the 2 scars on my stomach. That's not exactly how I actually got my scars. It was when I turned into my Dragon form for the first time. "Then what about the 2 deep scars on your back?" Sero asked pointing to my shoulder blades. "Oh those? It's from bird forms" I half lied when really it's, again, from the dragon wings. "Oh ok, that's makes sense" Denki spoke as we all got dressed and walked out of the locker room.

Time skip

We're now in the gym ready to fight Mirio. "Ready guys? Go!" Togata shouted as his clothes fell off him as they went through him. Jirou screamed from shock as the others just started attacking. I turn into a Chameleon and camouflage to blend in and completely disappear. I quietly made my way to the wall and started to climb up the wall. I got up to the ceiling and watch as everyone get knocked out. After that he thinks he's done but how wrong he was. "Well, that's everyone, wait I'm missing one" Togata looks around the room but still can't see me. "Where did that big guy go?" I now have the element of surprise, he's right under me. I use my tongue to snatch him up. "What the-" before he can finish his sentence I fling him up and throw myself at him. I punch him in the stomach as we hit the ground. A loud *boom* was heard as I regained my composer. "*cough cough* wow, I totally did not expect that, it happened so fast, good thing you went easy on me" Togata spoke as my white wing held him off the ground. "It was nice fighting you Togata" I said as I smiled at him. He smiled back and got up. "Please, call me Mirio" Mirio smiled. "Also thanks for catching me before I hit the ground that would've hurt really bad if you hadn't saved me in time" Mirio thanked. "No problem, but next time please go a little easy on my classmates" I spoke sweat dropping at the sight of my class on the ground holding their stomachs. "Oops, yeah sorry about that" Mirio apologized.

Major Time skip (You and Deku meet up with Mirio and All Might)

"You Are Here!!" Mirio exclaimed as the three of us sat on the couch across All Might. "Sorry I couldn't help but to say that" Mirio apologized as All Might said it was fine and we needed to talk. "I was wondering if you could talk to Nighteye about recruiting young Midoriya to his agency for the work study program" All Might asked. "Hmm, sure no problem" Mirio smiled. "Wait seriously?!" Izuku asked. "Yeah, I mean, it depends on what kind of hero you want to be" Mirio said. Izuku thought for a moment before looking at Mirio with a serious face. "I wanna be a hero who smiles, no matter how bad things get" Izuku answered as it was silent for a minute. Mirio smiled as he told Izuku to be ready tomorrow. I sweatdrop since it seems like they forgot I was even here. I clear my throat and everyone looks at me. "Oh that's right! Sorry about forgetting you for a minute, now the reason your here is because Sir actually asked for you personally to come to his agency" Mirio explained. My eyes went wider than saucers. "Seriously, The Sir Nighteye, asked for a low life like me? I never expected the foresight stone cold hero to ask for me" I spoke. "I know crazy right? I was surprised myself when he asked me to get you to join" Mirio said. I smiled and looked at Izuku. I could tell just by his eyes he was super happy to have me come along with him on this journey.

Heh, I can't wait..........

(Sorry I haven't been posting a lot but you know how school can get to ya. Anyway keep smiling and have fun!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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