Sorry, Pole

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Reader's POV

I walk through the empty street, the lights flickering violently. My music is blasting through my headphones, almost deafening me. My ex friends were always warning me when we were friends that if I listen to music too loud, I'll go deaf. It's just a bunch of shit, I think to myself. And it's not like those bitches know anything.

All of a sudden, I walk into a pole. Yes, I'm clumsy. I say sorry to the pole, and continue walking. I head to the corner store that's about to close.

Rushing in, I get a bottle of water. Tap water is overrated. The accountant looks really tired, so I make my paying quick. I hand him the money, and I'm about to run out, but something stops me. Right there in front of me is my hero, Andy Biersack.

I nearly have a fangirl attack right there. Oh shit. He's even hotter in person. I just stand there, staring at him, holding my bottle of water in my hand. He smiles at me. I feel my cheeks get warmer and I look at my shoes.

"Hey, I'm Andy." He's still smiling. "You?"

"Oh, uhh... I-I'm (Y/N)." I stutter nervously. Idiot! I think to myself.

"I love your jacket." Andy says. I forgot I was wearing my batman jacket.

"Ha ha ha, me too." Fuck, why am I saying the weirdest stuff imaginable?

"Do you need a ride home?"

"Oh... Umm... I guess, yeah, if it's not going to cause you any trouble."

"'Course not! C'mon, (Y/N), the guys are waiting in the car."

Andy leads me outside where there's a large car-van-thingy. I see the other band members in the car, and they're all looking at Andy and I, smiling like idiots. Ashely waves to me, and CC hits him over the head with a drumstick. I laugh slightly, and Jinxx pokes his tongue out and Jake pulls a funny face.

I hop in, and I end up swished between Andy and Jake.



-h.w o3o


-h.w o3o


Ashley smirks at me, and again, CC hits him with a drumstick. I laugh, and so does Andy. Jake just kinda sits there and smiles, trying hard not to laugh.

"So, what's your address?" Andy asks, so he can tell Jinxx where to drive.

"Oh, uhh, I'm staying at a friend's place at the moment. Their address is (Friend's Adress)." I reply. "It's the ugly blue one."

"Is she hot?" Ashley bursts out, earning another whack from CC.

"It's a guy." I giggle, and everyone laughs as Ashley just sits there with a disappointed look on his face. "His name's (F/N)."

Andy doesn't say much though. He just has this slightly look of jealously all over his face.

"Hey, Biersack, you okay?" I ask, poking his cheek lightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, (Y/N)." He smiles, but the look is still on his face.

"Hey, (Y/N), is this the house?" Jinxx asks from the front, nodding to the most hideous blue/navy house anyone could've ever seen.

"Yeah, that's it." I confirm.

Immediately, Ash takes hold of my phone and takes a heap of selfies. I demand he gives it back, but he doesn't. Andy makes him give it back, and when he does, I see Ashley had put his number in my phone while he was taking the selfies.

"See ya, guys. It was great meeting you." I laugh, getting out of the car. I turn to Andy and give him a hug. "Thanks for the ride, Batman."


If you read this, thanks.

I would love to hear your feedback on this!


-h.w o3o

Heart Of Fire (Andy Biersack x Reader) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now