Together again

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Clarke stood with judge, watching her friends. Niylah, Indra hugging Gaia, Murphy holding Emori just like Octavia holding Levitt, Hope sit before Echo. Jordan, Miller and Jackson with Raven building house.

"There won't be offspring," the judge said "they won't join us when they die. None of them seems to care."

Clarke who standing slightly in front hummed.

"Neither I"

Clarke's breath hitched, she can't turn around, she is too scary that this is just dream. She has tears in her eyes. She knows the tone. The same tone when she was alone with Lexa. So gentle and careful. She missed it.

She can feels presence in close proximity to her back and then two hands sneak around her waist.

"You will never be alone again Klarke. I'm so sorry I left you" Lexa said when she hugged Clarke closer to her. She can't belive, she holds Clarke again after so many years.

Clarke places hands on Lexa's and rest her head on her shoulder soon she feels Lexa's jaw on her head. Tears flowing down of both cheeks.

"How"? Clarke asked with broken voice. Lexa is here, here with her. Her only love, her soulmate, HER Lexa is here.

"The last time we met in the city of Light. I sat on the other side of the door, waiting for my end but then in the blink of an eye I stood before the judges. They told me that thanks to the merits and the decision of mine for a better life - in peace, they give me a second chance. I could choose, come back or stay. I asked if I can come back later and now stay and they said yes. I knew you had a long way to go and that a test was waiting for you. I knew you'd be chosen. So I waited, I waited FOR OUR SOMEDAY. But I've always been watching you. That Madi found you was thanks to me. When I saw that you killed Cadogan I know it's time, but judges wanted to talk with you first. I know why you killed Bellamy and Cadogan. I understand you, they hurt your daughter. I would do the same in your place." Lexa mumbled into her hair before kissing it gently.

"You sent Madi to me"? Clarke asked with closed eyes

"Yes, she was alone and I knew you will take good care of her"

"I hope you saw what she did to me, right"?

Lexa let out laugh and Clarke's heart almost stoped for this beautiful sound.

"I didn't expect her to be so fierce. But in the end everything turned out well, right? Lexa asked with smile.

"She and you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You know, she looks like your little version. She always said that she wants to be the best warrior like you" Clarke said with smile and turn around to look into the beautiful green eyes. Tears still in their eyes but both with a small smile but then Lexa's face fell.

"I'm disappointed I couldn't get to know Madi in person. I talked to her through my mind but I thought I would teach her to hunt" Lexa has new tears.

"I'm sure she would love you. Just like me" Clarke told sweetly.

They stared into eyes until Lexa couldn't stand it any longer and kissed Clarke. Clarke has her hands aroun Lexa's neck and Lexa hands is on Clarke's hips. They kissed until they were out of breath, change angles, bite and suck lips. They separated, forehead on forehead.

"I love you Klarke"

"I love you Lexa. please never leave me again"


And they kiss again. They didn't notice that people were watching them now. They missed each other so much, so they don't care.

"Ewww can you please stop"? They hear a voice beside them

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