Chapter 12: "Blood P2

Start from the beginning

"Hey come on, let to your voice out"

Izuku shook his head no.

"Fine then let's find a way to actually enjoy this"

Denki kissed Izuku filling his mouth with blood. Flowing into his senses, not only smelling but Taste

⚠️ Attempted rape scene over ⚠️

The taste was absolutely revolting. Nothing likes Shoto's but his eyes where open and Denki's closed so with this opening he pulling his hand through the knife and pulling it off the bed frame.

"What the hel-

Izuku drove the knife close to one of the arteries around his heart, not to kill him but enough to injure him badly.

Izuku grabbed his undergarments and called 119.

"199, what is your emergency"

"North 52nd Ave, on Yaki road house 4378, I have a adult male with a major chest wound"

While saying that information he ran back to his bathroom and grabbed several towels to put on pressure on Denki's chest.

"Okay sure you apply pressure to the wound to minimize the bleeding"

"Yeah, yeah but how long until first responders get here"

"The fire department will be their in 8 minutes"

"Good, also bring the police"

"Why is that sure?"

"Because the man life I'm trying to save is the person who was trying to rape me"

"Right away sir"

Denki: "But why"

Izuku: "Just because your an asshole doesn't mean you deserve to die"

Crap I get to replace the towel on you.

"2 minutes out sir"


"JFD, we were called here for an emergency"

Izuku ran towards the door and opened it.

"Good your here, he in the bedroom. Lost a lot of blood"

"Hey they're here"

"Thank God"

"Hello, JPD, I was called for an attempted rape victim"

"Yes that would be me, the man on the floor is the guy who tried to rape me and he's blooding out because I stabbed him with a knife after he stabbed my hand with the same one"

JFD: "Here, let me treat your wound, and you can give your statement later"

The medic put antiseptic on his hand and wrapped it up for a temporary way to stop infections but have to get more thicker wraps. This will most likely leave a scar.

Denki was loaded into a ambulance while Izuku gave his statement.


"Shoto, are you okay. You looked panicked"

"Am I okay, am I okay? Look at you, you're covered in blood and your hand"

"Well the blood isn't mine, well most off it. Also my hands fine might leave a scar but already have many of those. I also have a scar on my shoulder from going down a hill on a bike and then one on my ankle after roller skating"

"Izuku that's not important, who did this to you?"

"Oh it was that Chargebolt guy. He tried raping me but I folded his ass"

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