25 | i force bakugo go give me a fist-pump

Comenzar desde el principio

''It is.''

Y/n grumpily took his arm and made a fist out of his hand, then pounded it with her own, to which Bakugo didn't resist much.

''There, was that so bad?''


''It wasn't! You liked it and you know it!''

''Fuck no!''

''Fuck yes!''

''You two, be quiet!''

''Sorry, Recovery Girl.''

- - -

''Everyone . . . I'm looking forward . . . to hearing your stories . . . about training camp . . .'' Mina cried.

''We don't know for sure yet! There might be a last minute twist!'' Midoriya tried to reassure the four sulking students.

''Kaminari, we should've listened to Y/n!'' Mina cried, turning to face the blond.

''We were fools!'' Kaminari cried and the two embraced each other dramatically.

Y/n looked away from the scene, feeling bad for her friends. She had her fingers crossed that there would be some kind of twist and they'd be able to enjoy training camp together. Aizawa can't be that mean, right?

The classroom door opened, revealing none other than Aizawa himself. ''Once the bell rings, get in your seats.''

Y/n jumped down from her desk and quickly sat straight in her chair, anticipating what Aizawa will say.

''Unfortunately, there are some of you who did not pass the final exams,'' Aizawa said as he stood in front of the class. ''Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods . . . everyone's going!''

A last minute twist!

''We can go, too?''


''Yeah,'' Aizawa said. ''Some failed, but none of you failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sero and Sato failed.''

Y/n could hear Sero muttering to himself from behind her.

''For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we didn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started,'' Aizawa informed.

''So when you said you were out there to crush us . . .''

''That was to make you feel concerned,'' Aizawa answered Ojiro. ''In the first place, the training camp in the woods is to increase your strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger. It was a rational falsehood.''

'A rational falsehood?'

''However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!''

''Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida.''

''That's true,'' Aizawa agreed. ''I'll consider that. But I wasn't lying about everything. Failure is failure. We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school.''

- - -

''Kiri, isn't that great? We're all going together!'' Y/n said exitedly as she turned around to face Kirishima.

''I know! Sure, the extra lessons won't be fun, but we'll manage!'' Kirishima said.

''That's the spirit!'' The two fist pumped each other.

Again with that nickname, tch.

Y/n picked up her Training Camp Guide and opened it, checking the list of things she had to bring. ''Dang, we have to bring a lot.''

''Yeah, I don't have half of these things,'' Kirishima said as he scanned the list in his own guide.

''Oh, since we're off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?'' Hagakure suggested and Y/n looked up at her.

''That's a great idea, Tooru!''

''Hey, Bakugo, you coming, too?'' Kirishima asked, looking at him.

''Like I'd do something so irritating,'' Bakugo said as he walked out of the classroom.

Y/n bid goodbye to her friends and rushed to catch up to Bakugo so the two can walk home together, like usual. She took her phone out and noticed a message from her mom.


Your dad and I have some work tomorrow and Kai has a day off school so you'll have to watch over him sweetie.

Y/n groaned upon reading the message, giving her a quick answer then pocketing her phone.

''What's up, Speedy?'' Bakugo asked, looking down at her.

''My mom wants me to watch my brother tomorrow, which means I can't go to the mall,'' Y/n told him. ''Maybe I can bring him with me-''

''I can watch over him.''

Y/n looked up in surprise at his words. ''You will?''

''Yeah, I mean, he's not particularly annoying and he admires me. I can teach him a thing or two, which would usually be your job, but since you aren't doing it correct, I'll have to step in and help the little brat.''

''HEY!'' Y/n playfully punched his shoulder. ''You don't really have to do it, though. It would be a bother.''

''If I tell you it's damn fine then it's damn fine, you idiot.'' Bakugo shook his head. ''Just bring him over before you go shopping or whatever.''

''You'll actually do it?'' Bakugo nodded. ''Thank you so much! I owe you one!''

Y/n reached to hug him, but stopped herself. She couldn't run now, since they were going in the same direction, and she didn't feel like getting blasted, so she kept her hands to herself.

Bakugo noticed her movement and expected the hug which never came. He saw her stuffing her hands in her blazer pocket and looking away. Chuckling, he wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her closer, ruffling her hair with his hand.


speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora