Chapter 10

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Daniel notice something off about Jihyo the whole ride. Well he's not sure, but she seemed kind of.. Not in the mood?

But Daniel didn't ask her about it. He told her the way to his house and now, they're infront of it. Daniel's holding the grocery bags while Jihyo is just looking at his house.

"Wow. Your house is big. You're alone here? Or do you have maids?" Jihyo asked him as they enter the gate.

"Yeah, but she only comes here like.. Monthly. But not always. She only cleans the house and do other stuff then leave,"

"So you do live alone,"

"No, I have cats." Jihyo then remembered what she read on google.

They entered the house. Jihyo noticed that there are a lot of furnitures, but something was missing. His house didn't have any decoration at all.

"Why is your house like this? Don't you have decoration or anything?" Jihyo asked.

"And don't you feel lonely? I mean, your house is so big, and you only live your cats? And what if someone barges in your house and-"

"Relax, Jihyo. Only few people knows that this is my house so its fine. And I don't know how to decorate,"

"You can never be sure, Daniel. You need atleast someone to protect you, you know." Jihyo said. She became worried for him knowing that he lives alone.

"Okay then be that person," Daniel said.

"What?" Jihyo didn't understand.

"Live here. With me."

"What?! But-"

"Don't you think that it's a good idea? You're my personal assistant so it's fine. Plus, it'll benefit you. You don't have to ride a taxi to meet me. But you can still go to your unit if you want to. Think about it, Jihyo. It won't be a bother to me since you can cook for me.."

Jihyo thought about it for a minute.

"Okay fine." Jihyo simply answered. What could go wrong anyway?

"Great. You can bring your stuff here tomorrow. There's a guest room upstairs next to my bed room. You can use that. But for now, can we start cooking? I'm starving,"

Jihyo's P.O.V.

I'll be living with him. I mean, nothing would go wrong, right? I can just go to my unit if I don't want to be here. So I guess there won't be any problem.


FINALLY! We're done cooking. He said he wanted to help me so I let him help me. But he ended messing up so I had to redo everything.

"Sorry for messing up earlier, Jihyo. I didn't have any idea how hard cooking can be," he apologized.

"Nah, it's fine. It was fun watching you mess up anyway," I said then laughed. He pouted. Aw.. What the heck?

"Aww... Dani's pouting..." I put my fingers on his chin then flicked it.

"Quit pouting, Dani. You don't look cute," I added but then he pouted more. My heart fluttered. Shoot. Nooo.

"Stop! Hahaha you look so stupid, Dani." he pouted more, but with a hint of sadness in his face. Oh.

"Oh.. Sorry for calling you that, Dani. You just look so funny, haha" I just apologized and he nodded.

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