Jacob - Family (Request)

Start from the beginning

It was a very nice kitchen. Marble counters, a nice island counter, Big stove and oven. All the things one may need in a kitchen. You walk in to see another girl there helping out. She had blond hair and looked a little older. When she saw you walk in the kitchen she just got this huge grin.

"Oh my god!! You must be y/n!! I have heard so much about you!" The mystery girl says bombarding you with a hug.

"Don't scare the poor girl now Mick. Y/n, this is my oldest daughter and Jacobs sister, McKenna." Christina says introducing you to her.

You smile politely and shake her hand "nice to meet you!" You say. She doesn't respond. She squints her eyes a bit at you as she checks you out. You look at her confused and nervous, not knowing what her next move was going to be.

She then averts her attention back and smiles. "You look about my size. And you've got great style! You need to tell me where you shop." She says.

You laugh at her silliness, suddenly no longer feeling nervous. For the first hour of the night you had spent it in the kitchen with his mom and sister. You helped prepare supper, but not without a little wine and conversation.

Basically you had just told them about yourself, as they did the same for the first half hour. They would also tell you funny stories from Jacobs childhood which you found quite cute and amusing. The next half hour was just full on gossiping like you guys had been best friends for years.

"-and then he just threw up! Everywhere!" McKenna said, finishing her story. This ending made you and Christina laugh out loud, which started making McKenna laugh. After the laughter died down McKenna started to talk again.

"Ok but like y/n, where the hell have you been all my life!! Like I swear it's only been an hour and I feel like I've known you my whole life." McKenna says to you.

Her words touched you. "Thank you. I know it's literally crazy. Like you guys are starting to become like my favourite people ever!" You respond to both McKenna and Christina.

They both look equally touched by your words as well. Christina was about to respond until they heard a couple voices making their way into the kitchen. The mystery voices happened to be your lovely boyfriend, his father, and some other boy who you assumed was Jacobs brother, Blake.

"Hey. You ladies almost done cooking supper? We're getting hungry." Scott said while coming over to stand by his wife. Jacob was comes next you and wraps his arm around your waist as you lean against him a bit.

"Hey there. Haven't really seen you much. Hope my mom and sister have been good to you" Jacob says to you while he stares accusingly at his mother and sister.

"Jacob! How dare you think we would not be good to her." McKenna says offended.

"Yea ok. Like you didn't basically scare my other girlfriends off that I've brought home before" he says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea well that's different" McKenna says defending herself.

"How is it different?"

"Because I didn't like those other girls. They were all air headed bimbos. Y/n however, is not and is very delightful to gossip with. Besides, no way did you look at any of those hoes the way you look at y/n. And talk about her too. He talks about you A LOT." McKenna says mainly towards you at the end.

What she said had made you blush profusely. But it also made you happy. Happy to know that his family definitely approves of you. And happy to know that you made him equally as happy as he has made you.

"Yea yea." Is all Jacob replies before he continues on "oh! Also y/n, this is my brother, Blake" he says pointing to the skinnier boy who was standing right next to McKenna.

You shake his hand briefly and mutter a quick 'hi' before Christina announces that supper is ready. You all grab a plate and fill it with the food displayed.

The rest of night had gone pretty smoothly. You got to know more about Jacobs family, and more about Jacob himself. Your favourite part was the amount of embarrassing stories of Jacobs childhood that would just have you laughing until you couldn't breathe.

By the time you and Jacob were leaving, it was 11:00 pm. They all said there goodbyes at the doorway. McKenna came up to hug you tightly. You happily returned the hug.

"Ugh I'm going to miss you" she pouts still embracing you.

"I'm going to miss you too" you said sadly hugging her tighter.

She lets go of you and puts her hand firmly on your shoulder. "Any time he steps out of line, you call me, ok? Cause there's no way in hell I'm letting my brother treat you with cruelty." She said very seriously. This however made you laugh, and made Jacob glare at his sister.

Once you all said your goodbyes, you and Jacob headed back to his car. Once you both got buckled in, he started the engine.

He looks at you. "So, did you have fun tonight?" He asked.

"Hell yea I did. Ugh I absolutely love your family! I guess you were right, I didn't have anything to worry about" you admitted to him.

He just smiled at you and took your hand in his and kissed it lightly. He started backing out of the driveway and onto the road.

"So... I guess you now have to meet my family" you started which made him groan and you laugh.


Sorry for not updating in a couple weeks!! I've been super busy, and haven't really found the time to write.

On another note, OBX2 IS OUT AND OMG IS IT EVER GOOD. What did y'all think of it?

Word count: 1660

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