We sat on a couch not far away from each other. I saw her hand moving towards mine and then back. So when she tried to do it again, I took it. She looked me in the eyes and smiled. And my heart melted.

"It's getting late, I should probably go," Emily whispered as I was getting to fall asleep.

"You can stay, I mean if you want to."

"I need to feed my cat so I'll see you on Monday," she started to walk away but then stopped, "I would really love to stay though. Maybe next time"

I stood up and kissed her cheek, "Good night, Prentiss. Text me when you get home."

The rest of the weekends went pretty well, I read the book and wrote some thoughts, it helped me stay sane. Before sleep, I decided to text Reid.

Y/N: Hey, I read the book you gave me.
Spencie: I bet pretty soon you will read as fast as me. Did you like it?
Y/N: I did! Spencie, I'll never be THAT fast.
Spencie: We'll see.
Y/N: Good night. Gonna bring you something to read tomorrow!
Spencie: Sweet dreams, can't wait

The next morning I woke up at 7, my alarm was set at 8 so I tried to fall asleep again. It didn't go well. My phone started buzzing. Of course, it was Hotch.

"Agent Y/L/N," I said.

"Morning, we have a case, jet in 30, we'll discuss everything there."

I got out of bed and did my morning routine at a fast speed. 

I grabbed coffee and a go-bag and left my apartment. As I drove to the jet, I saw that no one was there yet. So I took the best place next to the window and started to write down my thoughts.

"What you doing?" Emily was the next who arrived.

"Hey you," I smiled, "nothing, just writing some thoughts down."

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"You don't wanna hear them," I realized that I didn't want her to be affected too. That scared me.

"If something's bothering you, you can tell me, you know. I'm a good listener," she smiled and sat next to me.

"Maybe one day," I smiled.

Soon all the team was here, Garcia presented the case.

Hotch gave us places we had to go and by the end of the day I was so tired, I couldn't even walk.

We headed to the hotel and I got a room with Emily.

"So roomie, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"Tired as hell," I laughed.

"Me too."


The case was hard and we found the unsub only after 2 weeks of being here. Hotch gave us the time of our flight home so we had one more night here.

I came back and fell on the bed.

"Hey, shower first, then sleep," Emily looked at me while changing.

"Ohhh, shower, who needs it?" I groaned.

"You," she laughed and sat next to my exhausted body. I got up too and looked her in the eyes.

"You know, your eyes are glowing?"

"People say it only when I look at something I really like... Or someone," she moved a little closer to me.

We watched each other for a little while and I again broke the silence. But now by kissing her. Her lips were so soft and I felt the smell of her shampoo. I bet it was lavender.

She smiled as we broke the kiss.

"I like you too, famous Emily Prentiss."

Emily: I told her I like her. And she said it back. And now she is sleeping in my arms and I can't even close my eyes. I just couldn't stop looking at her. I wanted to know what was going on in her head, what broke her. But I had to give her time. She'll tell me when she's ready.  And I fell asleep cuddling her.

Back to Y/N: When I woke up, Emily was still sleeping, her arms around my waist. I felt safe like she closed the gate from my own mind. I carefully removed her arms and went to shower.

Before I went in, I decided to text Spence.

Y/N: We kissed! And she said she likes me!!
Spencie: OMG I'm so happy for you, Y/N!
Y/N: Also, I'm kinda scared, I'm a hard person to be with...
Spencie: Talk to her, if you don't wanna lose her, you need to tell her everything. And you know that.
Spencie: And you are not the hard person, you just don't let everyone in. But if you do, you're the most incredible friend (and I'm sure a partner) anyone could dream of. I know it.
Y/N: Love you, Spence. Thank you.
Spencie: Love you, too, Sugar.

As I finished she was sitting with her eyes half-closed.

"Morning to you, sleepyhead," I smiled.

"Morning," she groaned. I sat next to her and kissed her. And I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was there something better?

We packed our things and checked out. On the flight back, Emily held my hand and I laid my head on her shoulder. I was happy.

Let me know if you liked it.
Also, if you wanna see something let me know too!
And I kinda have 2 ideas for the end, haven't decided what it's gonna be yet...

Don't leave me, my Love // Emily Prentiss X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें