Oh so sweet deception. Pt2.

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Part two let's gooooo

Also if I don't come back here for a few days I just wanted to say, Merry Christmas to you all you are all amazing and you have made me so happy over the last one and a half years and I can't believe that all of you like reading the things I write. It truly makes me feel better when I doubt my writing. Thank you immensely and merry Christmas have a good holiday. <3

3rd person P.O.V

Harry and Louis hadn't spoken, or seen each other in almost two months. They avoided each other at every occasion they could, Louis had stopped turning up to writing sessions a month ago and no one had really seen him in a while.

Which was why Liam and Zayn were now knocking on his door, hoping to talk to him and try to get him to come back to the studio before he gets in serious trouble with Simon, more than he already is.

"Louis, if you don't open this door I will break it down and I won't pay for it." Zayn called, his arms crossed over his chest as Liam continued knocking.

"Lou. Please." Liam added, in a softer tone than Zayn.

Just as Zayn was about to yell again, the door opened and Louis was stood in front of them, a navy wrinkled T-shirt covered his chest, he was wearing black joggers and he had bags under his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked, voice croaky. "I'm busy."

"Doing what?" Zayn asked. "Sulking? Well I don't care. You look like shit." He walked inside Louis' old apartment (he had to move back into), looking around the room. "At least you kept it mostly clean."

Louis closed the door behind Liam and walked into the living room, reaching for his cigarette, placing it between his lips and breathing in. "What do you want?"

"Lou, you need to come back to the studio." Liam sighed, sitting down on the couch, a sad expression on his face.

"I can't."

"Of course you can. Just come back with us. It's not fucking difficult. It you don't you're hitting self destruct on your own career." Zayn added in, leaning against the wall opposite his boyfriend and best friend.

"I can't." Louis muttered again, breathing the smoke out between his lips.

"Yes, you-"

"I fucking can't!" Louis interrupted. "You don't get it! You didn't know what I saw every day I walked into that fucking place. One of my best mates looked at me like I was nothing to him anymore! He looked at me with disgust and wouldn't even talk to me! And my boyf- someone I love couldn't even look at me! It's so difficult when the person who holds your heart can't even look at you anymore, it hurts. So no... I'm not going back. I can't see their faces knowing they hate me." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I can't."

"I can't say I know what it's like, because I don't but mate this is your career, you can't just walk away from it because of Harry and Niall." Liam spoke cautiously as he watched Louis take another drag of his cigarette. "You're a great songwriter, and an amazing singer. We need you. So, come back with us. Ignore Harry and Niall. Just focus on me and Zayn and the work."

"Simon will be pissed if you don't." Zayn said, walking over to Louis and sitting down next to him. "I just don't want you having to deal with him anymore than you already do."

"He's already pissed." Louis mumbled, putting the cigarette out in the ash tray on the table that was already filled with old ones. "I've refused to do the last few PR stunts and he's not happy with me."

"Why have you refused? I thought you were doing them so then you won't have to do them at all one day." Liam asked, knowing that Louis' plan was to do everything Simon wanted hoping for a bit of leniency.

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