Chapter Thirty-Eight - Pre-Prom

Start from the beginning

D.W: Fúck. Stop touching yourself and i'll try to get out of this thing! i type out quickly, hiding my phone under the table like i was still in high school.

C.N: You know you can't do that Dean. You're future is more important than my hot piece of ass. 

I groan loudly and other people in the seminar look at me with raised eyebrows and i raise a hand in apology and got back to looking down at my phone to see i have another text from Cas. 

C.N: How about i send you a lovely little photo instead to show you what you're missing out on? Maybe you can go to the toilets for five minutes if you know what i mean....

D.W: Baby please.... 

C.N: Picture Message Delivered.

My jaw dropped open when i opened up the picture and i clung onto my phone with sweaty hands. Castiel had put the damn phone on timer and taken a picture of himself, laying on bed with his legs spread open. He was pushing a large purple díldo up him while he jacked himself off and his mouth was parted open in a moan. 

I felt my downstairs stiffen up and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger before biting down hard on my knuckles. Now how the hell was i meant to focus. 

After three long and painful hours of the rest of the conference seminar thing i literally pushed past other students and ran all the way back to the hotel and up to our room. I had left my key inside because i knew Cas would be there when i got back so i knocked on the door long, loudly and rapidly. 

The door flung open mid-knock to show Castiel standing there in only his messy trench-coat which hung delicately off one shoulder, revealing his bare tanned skin beneath. I bit my bottom lip and whined slightly while he smirked at me and pulled me into the hotel room, shutting the door and the rest of the world out. 

*Present Day*

DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT. You're a horny little bastard. No, YOU'RE  a horny little bastard, i'm just cheering you on from the sidelines. I'm so messed up. 

I rub my eyes and get out of bed, chucking my phone on the covers and find something comfy to wear before Cas comes home and makes me wear a friggin' tuxedo. I walk downstairs and fix myself some breakfast when Sam walks in and sits down at the table, waiting for me to make him some breakfast too.

"You're a big boy now, make your own damn breakfast!" I say when i noticing him staring at me. 

"How did you get Cas to go out with you?" He asks suddenly out of the blue.

"Wow, change of conversation but that's alright. I can roll with this. Erm, i got him drunk." I say honestly and snort before turning around and buttering my toast. 

"You got him drunk?" Gasped Sam and i turn back around to him and chuck him some toast before sitting down in front of him. 

"Yeah. Well, we both got drunk and did things and there was lots of conflicting emotions and arguments and then we got drunk again and the same thing happened again and again until finally he told me he liked me too." I say, biting down into the toast and sipping some of my milk. "Why'd you ask?"

He's gay. You think everyone is gay! Everyone is gay in their own little way. You're a poet you didn't know it. You're a fág, makes me sad. Dude, you're gay as well. You're literally me. Sigh, that's right. i am aren't i? 

"Oh i'm just wondering." Sam says in an innocent tone but i know better then to trust his words.

"Alright you fuckíng tree, who's the lady? Or man? Or neither?" I ask

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