Excuse me?!

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A/N: the photo above is a garden  fanart version of koyuri

Two people could be seen in a room on a table full of food that everyone could drool on to. The first person was a red haired man who was gracefully eating in an elegant manner while the other was a blonde haired man who was watching the other eat while resting his head on his palm as he smiles that gives a vibe full of brilliance.

if one was to compare their similarity then that would be their handsomeness as they give a dignified aura around them. A royal servant who was watching was smiling as if they saw a deity even though they were a bit far. They could clearly see this as if they were looking at a painting that was a great masterpiece.


"........You're highness.....is there something on my face?"

Cale was feeling alberu's stare the whole time while he was eating. He asked alberu who was still smiling.

"nope~, i'm just watching my dongsaeng eat his meal happily. is the food delicious?"

alberu said as he smiled widely. Cale felt a chill on his spine as he heard the smiling crown prince's words. He blinked his eyes 3 times as he calmed down his mind that was starting to get a headache due to the staring he was feeling. Cale started to speak.

Cale continued eating despite feeling disturbed.

He took another different dish and put it in his mouth. Cale smiled widely as his eyes looked at the dish he ate.

It looked like a very simple dish but despite its appearance it was a very delicious dish that was like a shabby treasure chest full of golden riches.

Alberu couldn't help but stare and admire the sight. He was captivated and captivated at the sight. Cale once more spoke as he felt a bit more disturbed.

"Your royal highness, you're gonna pierce a hole right through my head."

Alberu answered without thinking.

"What I wanna pierce is your hole, Should we start dating?"


The spoon fell to the floor while the one holding it froze up, Cale froze while Alberu was stoic. Alberu didn't know what to do after unconsciously blurting what was in his mind. He blushed, he blushed so much that it looked like he would be a tomato after a few more seconds, Cale coughed and said.

"hyung...are you..."

Alberu gulped while waiting for the next words, his face full of anxiety as a droplet of sweat went down from his forehead to cheeks and finally falling from his chin.

"not getting enough sleep?" Cale said while he tilted his head to the right with a confused look. He signaled for a new spoon to a royal servant who is watching them but not hearing their conversation because they are far enough to not hear them. the royal servant nodded and went to fetch a new spoon.

alberu shook his head and said "uhh maybe.....anyways ignore what i said earlier...."

"really? or are you just lying that I should ignore it?" cale teased alberu who was about to facepalm.....but after a sudden realization that this should be the time he should tell him, alberu looked at cale.

"What now?" Cale nervously asked with a stoic face he usually wears. Alberu stood up and went beside Cale who was sitting in front of him. a hand moved towards cale's hand, cale tried to react but the hand was faster.


alberu grabbed cale's hands. He then wrapped it with his two hands as he put it near his lips and spoke to Cale in a gentle yet serious tone with determined eyes.

Hasty?! (TCF FANFIC) (CALABERU!) (ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now