chapter 1 (warning rape)

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Y/n dinners ready!! She didn't answer y/n get down here! Ugh dont make me come up there..fine y.. y/n where are you!! She probably snuck out with that boy again.(the next day) shes still not home hmm (several weeks later)
There's a missing report out for you
Your family still doesn't know where you are until they found the note your
Suaide note but it was avoided it's been 6 months since your disappearance.they still dont know where you are until your family got a knock on the door it was you you have broken bones bruises and open wounds you're balling you eyes out there back mom..said y/n who's back
The RED ROOM no no no no did they follow you..said Mary (your mom's name) I dont think so let's get you cleaned up first ok.. ok mom.(a few hours later) how you feeling sweet heart.
I feel fine mom..good darling just lay down an relax ok..ok mom night love here a knock on the door your too scared to open it until you here a whistle. You run to answer it yelena was at the door o my god yelena you're happy until you see the look in her eyes the RED ROOM has control over her.she goes under you and flips you over oww you take her arm an hold it behind her back she stabs you in the leg fuck!!. That hurt bitch you take the take the lavender curtains and put it around her eyes so shes blinded mom!!get down here what do you ne.. there here aren't they I just saw her ok.. ok ok (john your dad) grab the cure oook Mary breaks the weird shiney red thing in front of yelena.shes happy she gets up and hugs you y/n your still alive.. yup and healthy said y/n wait why am I here.... oh the RED ROOM had control over you and you came here to try and kill us and you stabbed my leg!! Is the room spinning or is it me.. y/n what are yo- oh my god y/n!!(you pass out) next thing you know your in a alleyway (tw rape tw tw) yelena is there too you both wake up to two men standing over top of you both your both shritless but are too dizzy
To see it.they start touching your guys breast please stop y/n said no now SHUT UP ok ok ok...he starts to kiss yelena shes trying to run away from them he pulls out a pocket knife and cuts yelenas chest you scream so he does the same thing too you they leave you and yelena are both lying on the floor crying dizzy and bleeding
A womon come up to you two.  omg said ??? She gets you two a blanket and takes you two the hospital hey we never got your name we would like too know are heroes name wanda call me wanda darlings ok wanda. I'll tell yelena when she wakes up I'll be back tomorrow too check on you tow bye...bye wanda.

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