Chapter 11

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Memories flooded through her mind.




Blood. Her own blood pooling out of her as Koldan tried to slow it with his kefta.

Bodies. Her whole village laying on the ground, unable to move. Her adoptive parents frozen in horror as a heartrender crushed their hearts.

Gunshot. It still rung out in her head, the shot that should have ended her life.


I gasped for air. My eyes flying open as I bolted upright.

My eyes strained as they adjusted to the light of the room, warm afternoon light streamed into the infirmary she was in, she was on her feet by the bed she was laying in just moments before.

I heard the hurring of boots on the ground as a healer rushed over to me, I realised how cool the floor was to my bare feet, warming slightly as the sunlight streamed over them.

"Miss, you need to get back to bed," they said blocking my way.

Normally I would have given anything to sleep in but right now, I needed answers, "I'm fine thank you."

I went to step around them but they once again, blocked my path, "Please miss, you're-"

"Get back to bed, Rena," a cool voice cut across them from the shadows.

The darkling was leaning against a pillar across from my bed, I hadn't noticed him standing there at first, he walked over to us in long strides, "Leave us," he said to the healer still staring at me, they gave a quick bow and scurried off. The infirmary was empty apart from us, probably because Grisha don't get sick, I reminded myself.

"Get back to bed, you look like you're about to collapse," he ordered me.

In truth I did feel pretty faint, but instead I said, "I'm perfectly fine."

"I'll give it about three mabey four minutes before you collapse," he mocked.

"And I'll take that bet, now if you'll excuse me-" I went to step around him towards the door, but as I did he grabbed my arm pulling me into his chest, he then threw me over his shoulder and plonked me back onto my bed.

"Ever hear of personal space," I groaned rubbing a crick in my neck. I was stubborn, we all knew that, my legs swinged back over the side but my persistence was abruptly stopped when he kept pushing them back, eventually pulling the covers over me.

"Stop this," he said after about the fifth time.

I was tiring from it so eventually I settled down and asked him a question that was bugging me ever since I woke up, "What happened?"

He signed heavily and sat at the end of the bed, "If I tell you, will you stay put?" He asked me.

I nodded sharply which resulted in sending a a spark of pain up to my head.

"Alright then," he breathed, "You were attacked."

"Wow really? I would never have guessed," I crossed my arms infront of me.

He smirked slightly at my comment, "You were attacked by Fjerdans," he emphasized the last word as if he was speaking to a five year old, "If it wasn't for that friend of yours, the heartrender, what was his name, Calvin?"

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