Looks Like I'm Pregnant

44 3 4

Misty's POV

After the concert was finished, I packed the three costumes into a bag the stage crew let me have then left the concert arena with multiple uneeded security guards surrounding me.

We slipped out the back entrance of the arena and climbed into the black van. As soon as we came into view of the fans, they engulfed us with muffled screams, thanks to the slightly soundproof van. We drove past them quite slowly and cautiously since we didn't want to bump anyone. I rolled down the window but winced slightly at the sudden blasat of loud cheers but covered it up with a grin. That's a bit of a disadvantage of being famous. There's some loud crowds and paparazzi following you sometimes but I wouldn't switch it for anything else in this world.

"Bye!" I yelled to everyone as the van made it to the road. I got some screams back in return before I sat properly in my seat again.

I rolled the window back up then closed my eyes as the van rolled smoothly along. I fell asleep as the van smoothly drove along the road only to be woken up a second later by Ash.

"We'll be there soon. Don't sleep." Ash said calmly. I sighed then reluctantly complied. We got back to the hotel a moment later with a few photographers and fan were waiting. I took a deep breath then stepped out of the comfortable van. I took a picture with a few girls and saw cameras flashing from the corner of my eye.

"C'mon. You need your rest." Ash said then pulled me inside. I gave one last wave before I slipped between the double hotel doors and slumped to my room. I slid the room card into the tiny slot and watched as the red light turned to green then walked into my room. I fell backwards onto the welcoming bed and was soon asleep.


I woke up only to the sound of Ash blaring Justin Bieber's, 'Boyfriend' right into my ear annoyingly. I jumped up and out of the warm bed then tackled her to the carpeted ground.

"Eep!" She squealed. I laughed at her terrified face.

"Promise you won't do that again?" I asked rhetorically. She nodded immediately.

"And if you do, I take away candy and JB privileges for a week." I warned then got off of her shaking body. She brushed herself off casually then became the one to tackle me. I yelped in surprise as my back hit the bed again.

"Revenge is sweet. Not as sweet as candy but pretty close." She said evilly. I rolled my eyes then pushed her off of me. Only she can add a candy reference to everything. Only her.

"Get changed and all that then come downstairs for breakfast!" Ash said loudly a she left the room. I sighed then clambered out of bed tiredly. I'm not exactly what you refer to as a morning person.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower then got changed into a quick outfit.

I grabbed my room card off of the stand next to the front door then ran out, bringing the door behind me. I ran quickly down the hallway, down the flight of stairs instead of taking the elevator and ran down another hallway until I got to the breakfast buffet. I looked around frantically until I spied Ash hiding in the corner. Literally, hiding in the corner. I could barely see her.

"So. Why are we up so early?" I asked Ash as I slipped into the booth. She shrugged.

"I got bored so I woke you up."

I stared at her. "You're kidding."

"Nope. Please don't kill me." She whimpered in fake fear. I groaned. I hate waking up early.

"Watch your back." I warned the went to the buffet trolleys to get food. I gently took a plate from the stack and piled sausages, waffles and eggs on my plate. I'm a growing girl. I need to eat.

I plopped back in my seat and was about to start eating when Ash spoke up.

"One day, you'll grow fat."

I shrugged. "I don't care. And I don't think so. I've always had a pretty petite figure but I'm not short either. And besides, I'm still growing. I think."

"What if the paps catch you eating so much. You just started your career a bit more than a year ago, you have to increase your popularity in the music industry."

"Let them think what they want. I'm pretty skinny. Maybe they think I'm putting on weight. I don't care what they think." I said carelessly. Ash sighed.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me?" I said childishly. She sighed dramatically.

I grinned then dug into my plate. I felt Ash's eyes on me as I ate but I just ignored ger. She stopped my beauty sleep, she's not going to stop my eating. Who knows what she's going to stop next?

"You'll be an opening act by the way. But we don't know who you will open up for yet. You just began your career for two years so we don't want you to start a tour yet." Ash said as I ate hungrily. I shrugged in mid-bite.

"I'm sure you'll find someone. But don't artists ask other artists to open up for them, not the other way around?" I asked between bites. She looked down at her hands with her eyebrows furrowed together thoughtfully.

"Hmmmm maybe I can somehow get you to open up for Justin. Yes that would work." She mumbled to herself, completely ignoring my question, then walked away. I rolled my eyes then finished my breakfast. I picked up the dishes but one of the staff stopped me.

"I've got it Miss Terious." She smiled then walked away with my plates. I looked after her retreating figure. I didn't like it when people did stuff for me. I'm perfectly capable of carrying a plate and walked five meters.

I shook my head then left the buffet room and stalked up the stairs. I'm a little grumpy to be honest. I prefer to do things myself because I don't want to become a rich, spoiled brat who owns a Chihuahua.


I jumped slightly at the sound and saw Ash running towards me frantically.

"I found people for you to tour with!" She said excitedly the skid to a halt. I nodded my head, catching on to her contagious excitement.

"Who is it?" I asked.

She grinned at me.

"The one and only...."

Another cliffhanger ;) YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME!

I'm sorry for the short chapter -.- A lot of stuff happened this week so I didn't really have a chance to use the computer.

I promise a longer chapter next time!

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