Chapter Two - Sameaus

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Chapter Two


   As I walked through the vast doors of the local high School, my soon-to-be living hell, I was instantly pulled in to the crowd. I headed for the main hall, following friends from my middle school. When we got in to the hall, I sat down next to Kimberly and Cupid. As the principal started to tell us about how the four years we would spending here would just fly by, and that we would make friends like that, he clicked his fingers as he said it, I sighed and whispered in to Kim's ear "I've already got friends. Why do I need new ones?" Kim grinned at me and exhaled heavily.

   "Okay, if you'd like to look at the lists on the back wall, you'll be able to find out your forms. Your form tutors are holding up signs with the form initials on. Walk over to them and socialize." The principal said. The three of us got up and headed towards the crowd of people that were all looking at the list. I heard a lot of sighs and groans. And the laughter filled with happiness was muffled by the groans and sighs. When the crowd had dispersed towards their forms and started talking, Kim, Cupid and I looked at the sheet. We all sighed and looked at each other, sorrow abducting our faces. "To your forms!" The principal said, clapping his hands as he did. I hugged Kim and Cupid and then we went our separate ways. We were all in separate forms.

   In the two-lesson-long form time, I started to talk to people. I spoke to a girl called Joeley and a guy called Peter. After we had gotten our timetables, we found out that we all had English together, and that I had Art with Joeley. We talked throughout most of the two lessons. Joeley then leaned forward and muttered to me "Why is he staring at you?" I was confused. I turned around to see a guy with blue eyes and a white blond mop staring at me. I was confused.

"I... don't... know." I replied. I didn't know, but I wanted to. He was sat on his own.

I stood up and walked towards him. I then said "Why are you staring at me? Is there something wrong with my face, or yours?" His eyes narrowed slightly. I sighed when he didn't reply.

"Sod off, bitch." He said to me. I was shocked. What had I done to make this guy hate me? I mean, I hadn't even seen him, let alone spoken to him, until now. I sighed and walked back over to Joeley and Peter. They both had confused looks on their faces. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down.

   At break time, I introduced Joeley and Peter to Cupid and Kim, they instantly became friends. The five of us hung out every lunch and break from then on. In the weeks that followed, I looked forward to RE. I only had it once every week. I had it without any of my friends. When I walked in to the classroom, the teacher pointed to the board, a seating plan was being projected on to it. I looked at the board and found my place. I was sat next to a Sameaus. I walked over to my place and found that I was sat next to - surprise, surprise - the guy that was glaring at me in registration. I sat down and didn't acknowledge him, though I could see him staring at me out of the corner of my eye.

   When we were told to dicuss something about our own religious beliefs, I turned to him and said "Okay, what have I done to make you hate me?"

His brows furrowed, his lips twisted slightly and he then said "I don't hate you."

"Then why do you always glare at me whenever I see you?"

"Because I... I like you." He whispered. I burst out laughing.

"No, seriously, why?"

"I was being serious. I think you're great. So down-to-Earth and pretty. Funny and friendly. I really like you."

"O-kayyyyy." I said, slightly shocked. I then stood up and went over to the teachers desk.

   "Yes?" He said.

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