17:The Meeting

369 54 41

Next Morning)

Taehyungs pov)

In the morning I woke up before Jimin..he was sleeping peacefully over me..I was just patting his back and stroking his hair..

"Minnie.." he moved slightly..

"Minnie..are you awake?"


"are you feeling well.."

"No..my back hurts.." he blushed slightly..

"Wait a second" I slowly remove him from my upper body and got up from the bed to take a painkiller and a glass of water..

"Take it.."he gave me his iconic smile and took the medicine and the water..

I sat beside him checking my phone ..its a quite early..he snuggled in my chest and I gave him a kiss on his hair and forehead..he pouted and pointed his plump lips demanding a kiss on there..I chuckled and gave him a slight peck on lips and he again leaned his head on my chest while smiling..

Suddenly my phone started ringing..

                                                         Incoming call 


                                                                 Dad 💱

I picked up the call..

"Hello dad.."

"how are you? you didnt called yesterday?"

"Sorry..actually I was busy on a project.."I looked at Jimin who scoffed lowly.."Liar.."

"Btw we are coming home today.."

"Whoaa! woow when?"

"We have finished our work here last week..so yesterday we decided to return..but as we didnt talk last day..I am telling you now.."

"When will you arrive ?"I looked at Jimin who's eyes are wide awake now..

"In evening... "

"Ohh..where's mom?"

"Your mom is in the kitchen downstairs I think.."

"Ohh Ok then.arrive safely.."

"Yeah ..ok.. bye.." I cut the call..

"Are your parents coming home?"Jimin asked curiously..I nodded..

"hmmm..Are you ready?" I asked him..

"For what? Don't tell me you want me to meet your parents.."

"But why not Minnie ??"

"I am nervous af man..If your parents dont approve me?

"They are not like that..."

"Idk..I am afraid.."

"I will be there with you..Don't be afraid.."

"I just don't wanna loose you again.."he sat on my lap while snuggling in my chest..I kissed him..

"I also ...dont wanna loose you at all..I love you.."

he smiled in the kiss and silently said back.."I love you too"

We are sitting like that for a few minutes..suddenly he looked at me with a frown..

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