Chapter 13

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Out in the hallway, Selena used her hand to smoothen out her white staff uniform dress, before raising her hand to knock on the door.

The door opened reveal one of the possy. The women eyed Selena carefully with an eyebrow raised, “Uh, Good day! Mr. Lefevre complimentary skin care treatment, courtesy of Mr. ‘Swindell’.” Selena said with a professional and cheery tone.

Mr. Lefevre walked up behind the woman at the door, “Oh yes, the petite, sweaty, American man with the unfortunate hair. Please, viens ici. I will sparkle for the auction.” He said waving Selena inside.

Selena smiled at the woman who was holding the door open and walked inside followed Mr. Lefevre’s lead.


Mr. Swindle pulled up in his old beat up car, the paint chipping off to reveal the nasty rust. He exited the car and looked around with a coy smirk on his face, tossing his keys to the valet worker that came up to him.

“Don’t scratch it.” He warned the worker as he walked away. Just before he’s able to walk through the front doors, Normani and Dinah walked up to him, blocking his way.

“Excuse’n sir,” Normani said in a foreign accent, “but are you here for der auction? We are looking for monsieur Lefevre.”

“Don’t know where he is.” Mr. Swindle said pushing them away.

“We’re coming to sell Papa’s toy. We were told it was vorth a lot of monieys.” She said continuing to use the same accent. Mr. Swindle turned to face the two as he catched on the word ‘monieys’.

“Moneys? Worth a lot of money you say?” Mr. Swindle asked and the two nodded as Normani handed him the red haired captain Cybertor box over to him.

His eyes widen once he saw the red hair, “Oh, a red haired captain cybertor.”

“Ya. Is it vorth the monieys?” Dinah asked.

“W-well, it would be,” Mr. Swindle stuttered while eyeing the toy. “if the hair was blue.” He continued.

“Blue?” Normani asked tilting her head to the side, acting confused.

“Yeah, the blue one are super rare, but yours is red, unfortunately. Red ones is dime a dozen, almost worthless.” 


Selena opened the tub of ‘crème’ that was in her briefcase and started to slab it onto Mr. Lefevre face, making sure to cover every part of it. “Okay, now just a little more..” she said as she finished placing some on the man’s nose.

“Okay, now we just .. um, wait for the rejuvenating agents to .. um .. to rejuvenate ..” she said, proud of herself at that sound.

“Uh rejuvenate?” Mr. Lefevre asked.

“Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!” Selena said as she quickly wiped some of the crème onto Mr. Lefevre’s lips. “No talking, no moving…there you go.” she said after put one last dash on Mr. Lefevre’s face. She smiled at her work, and then she sets the timer in her bag.

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