AN | Chapter 17- Say whaaat?

Comenzar desde el principio

I must've looked confused because he threw his hands in the air, giving up, and just mouthed, "Signal. Erica."

Ohhh. Right, I forgot about that last piece of instruction. 

I got out a walkie talkie and spoke into it. "Aunt Polly just broke her back." Depressing signal, I know. Two miles away, Erica received the message. "You were late, Ben. I've already started setting the traps four minutes ago."

Oh. "Um . . . sorry?" I tried to apologize over the walkie talkie but it seems like Erica turned off hers.

I turned back to what I was supposed to do. Laying back on the slanted boulder, I pressed my left eye to the telescope. Again, I saw the black van but this time, there was a 14 year old looking boy wearing a extremely stained shirt carrying a black briefcase rimmed with silver. Murray.

However, there was two burly bodyguards flanking him. I'm surprised Murray could afford such security. 

I readied my machine gun and braced myself for the jolts of the gun. But before I could press the trigger, something strange happened in front of my eyes. 

From what I can see, one stranger clad in black dropped down from a tree above Murray and his guards. In a second the bodyguards were unconscious and Murray was tied up with duct tape. Ouch. painful for him if he ever wants to get out of that.

I stared, stunned. Not taking my eyes off from the scene, I slowly raised my walkie talkie. "Jawa? Catherine? Did you see what just happened?" I didn't ask Erica because, well, Erica is two miles away and can't see what happened.

"Yes." came Catherine's voice. Strangely, she was calm.

"Yeah, that was the fastest fight I've ever seen!" Typical Jawa. He was probably referring to his book about How to Disarm Your Opponent Under Five Seconds.

"I am hurt that you didn't ask me." Erica spoke into her walkie talkie, sounding anything but hurt.

The mysterious "savior" casually leaned against the tree, as if waiting for someone.

"Oh," I was embarrassed. "Sorry. But you couldn't possibly see what had happened."

"I can. Because I was the one who asked Alexa to come help." I rolled around onto my back instinctively and sat up.

Erica was standing right behind me at the edge of the boulder. Amusement flickered across her face.

Then the machine gun came sliding down, crashing onto my back. Pain flared up. I guess letting go of the handles was a bad thing.

I rubbed my back. "How did you get here? And who's Alexa?" (Okay, so I tried to make a female version of Alex Rider because, well, I didn't want to collab the Alex Rider with Spy School. Why? Well, in some fanfictions I read, there was Alex Rider. I didn't like that so much so . . . I came up with my own idea: Alexa Rider. lol Naw, just kidding. You will find out her last name/surname soon.)

"I believe that is I." 

My head whipped to the new voice. 

There, standing calmly was the mysterious attacker. A black hood obscured her face. I hadn't noticed before, but she was wearing those puffy pants you would see in in movies. And of course they were black. Hanging from her pants was a simple silver chain looping back up to form a U shape. (I have no idea what those pants are called . . . Google wasn't being very cooperative)

"You!" I exclaimed, pointing my index finger at her. I scrambled to my feet.

"Yes, me." 

"This is Alexa, Alexa, this is Ben." Erica introduced us to each other. 

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