"You broke up?!?" She said, coming closer to me.

"No, I'm still in a relationship with someone" I told her. She stopped and was even more confused than before.

"Wait- So you don't have a girlfriend but your in a relationship? That doesn't make sense" she said.

"It's because I don't have a girlfriend, I have a boyfriend" I said.

Sakura stared at me in absolute shock, her eyes were wide and her mouth dropped. She took a few steps back and covered her mouth with her hand, as she started shaking her head in denial.

"YOU'RE GAY!!???" She yelled, very loudly. Ino, just at the perfect time came walking out of the cafeteria.

"Yeah and you don't have to yell" I said walking a way as fast as I can, before I can get any further. I could hear Ino and Sakura. I looked behind me and seen them both running towards me. They should know better not to run in the hallway...

"Sasuke!!" Yelled Ino. She got to me before Sakura.

"Y-your gay?" She said panting a bit.

"Yes" I told her, she was shocked for a second then took a breath and smiled at me.

"I never woulda known! Why didn't you tell us sooner huh?!"

"Well I don't really talk to you guys and I don't want lots of people knowing" I told her, Sakura walked up behind her and you could tell she was holding back tears.

"Well?! Who's the lucky guy?" Ino asked again. She's weirdly supportive and it's scaring me.

"Naruto Uzumaki" I said. Ino was shocked and so was Sakura, soon Sakura's shock turned into anger.

"NARUTO?!?" She yelled. Always yelling like- damn calm the fuck down.

"Yes, Naruto Uzumaki. The guy that kids used to bully in elementary. You know him quite well actually" I said. They stood for a moment in silence then Ino looked down with guilt and regret. Sakura also looked guilty.

"I'm sorry Sasuke" said Ino, Sakura looked at her and back at me.

"M-me too" Sakura said looking away to avoid eye contact.

"I don't know why you're apologizing to me when you should be saying sorry to Naruto. No one from our class besides Hinata and Shikamaru has asked about him, it's really disappointing to see that no one really cares about him. For all you guys know he could've killed himself because of his bully's"

They both didn't say anything and Ino was almost in tears. Just as I was about to walk away, Naruto calls me. I put the call on speaker so they could hear him.

Naruto: Hey Sasuke! It's my break right now, what about you?

Sadly, our schools have different times but luckily he has break during my lunch.

I looked at Ino and Sakura who were now paying attention to me and the person on the phone.

Sasuke: We'll as you know, I'm at lunch but I haven't ate yet.

Naruto: WHAT?! Sasuke even though the school food is gross you still need food and energy.

Sasuke: yeah yeah I know but- I was interrupted.

Naruto: By what?

Sasuke:These two girls right here.

Naruto: Girls? SASUKE!!!!

Sasuke: Calm down Naruto it's not like I'm cheating on you. It's Sakura and Ino. They'd also like to say something to you.

Naruto: To me??

I gave Ino the phone and she took a breath to speak, Sakura stood by her.

Ino: Naruto? It's Ino

Naruto: Hey Ino! It's been awhile huh! I'm sure you don't know my situation yet..

Ino: Your situation?

Naruto: yeah I knew you wouldn't know, but- I moved to Amegakure, I'll be here for about four years!

Ino: What?! No way!

Naruto: Yeah...it was lonely at first but I've made some friends! They aren't here right now but they're good people.

Ino: I'm glad Naruto. I'd like to say that I'm sorry, for the past and the times I've been rude to you. You didn't deserve that and I know I was wrong. Again, I'm sorry...

Naruto: .......

Sakura: Hey Naruto, Sakura here and I'd like to say I'm sorry too. I've been jealous of how close you were to Sasuke and took my anger out on you and ignored you all those times you wanted to hang out with me. I realize now that I shouldn't get mad at you for something like that. Sorry.

Naruto: .......

I grabbed the phone from Ino and they stood there. Naruto was silent for a moment and you could hear him crying a bit. I smiled, He's so obvious.

Sasuke: Naruto, you don't need to forgive them.

Naruto: No! It's fine! We were kids anyway haha. Sasuke you better give them my number too!

Ino smiled while Sakura stood there with no exact emotion. I told Naruto I'd give them his number then he had to leave for his class.

"Well. He forgives you I guess" I told them.

"I don't want it" said Sakura. I wasn't surprised and I didn't care because I never wanted to give it to her anyway.

"Let me take some time then I'll talk to him" she said walking away. Ino didn't say anything until Sakura was out of sight.

"Geez that girl. Well unlike her I'd like his number" Ino said giving me a smile.

"Yeah sure but can I ask you a questio-"

"No" she said cutting me off.

"Why not?" I said.

"I know what your going to ask, but I don't have an answer yet" she said. I just nodded and left it at that.

Before the bell rang I gave Ino mine and Naruto's number. The rest of the school day was easy-going and boring like always.

Author: GUYS! I'm so sorry this chapter was really rushed so it sucks ass. Also- time skip coming soon....I think. Anyway I'll try and keep up on chapters and updates Since I'm horrible at it lol.

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