" it's beautiful baby." I say to her .

"Okay , okay . Dont get all sappy sappy in my room , you can go do you half fucking half whatever in your room . Okay ?" He says with a smug look on his face .

"Jay ? Can I also get a tattoo ." I ask him .

Cass takes a sharp intake . She looks so damn sweet and cute when she's surprised  . It makes me want to kiss her plump lips .

She smiles . I use my fingers to lure Jay over to me so I can whisper my idea to him . After I tell him , he nods once then gestures me to the bed .

"The both of you are getting annoying , why y'all whispering in my ear as if y'all wanna fuck me . Especially you Ace , you know I ain't gay . What the hell wrong with you. " he mumbles .

Believe me when I say , old man Jay cannot mumble . You hear him clear as day . Cassiey chuckles and I send a playful glare .

"So what are you getting ?" She asks .

"Uh uh , it's a surprise baby ." I say to her . I hear her squel in excitement again . Now let me tell you something , I can never get over hearing that sound .

I could make it my ringtone,  my alarm and my goddamn doorbell sound . It sounds sweet and cute and just like those cute little girls who deliver cookies to our doors .

I'm so obsessed with this girl.  I watch her sleep every night , and I marvel at how she sleeps with a smile . A goddamn smile , I never wanna see her without that smile of hers .

She looks so peaceful when she's asleep , sometimes I want to see what she dreams of , cause I swear she chuckles and it's the cutest thing ever .

This reminds me of what mum once said , she actually told me that one day I'm going to have a child with someone that I love ever so dearly .

And everytime my child is asleep , I'm going to watch the child and smile and feel pride while watching them.

I feel that way  , except not about a child . But about the love of my life . She even snors cutely .

I never imagined that a convict could be cute but heres one and she's so cute . She loves food and all that is cheese . And she's so beautiful when she eats .

I peep my head around Jay's figure just to check out what she's doing.  I find her on the spot I previously occupied . She's playing with her fingers , she looks up and her cheeks turn red . Cutie .

Cassandra's POV

Showing him the tattoo was my favourite part of this entire experience.  His face looked so cute as he looked at me .

But what I never expected was for him to ask for a tattoo of his own . Ace barely has a tattoo on his body , yet he's getting one today and probably for me .

I listen to the hypnotizing sound of the machine while fumbling with my fingers.  The pain has calmed down but there's still a little sting to the new tattoo .

I thought about it while we were cuddling . I wanted to get a new tattoo but I didn't know of what , which is lead to me looking at Ace for inspiration but then there , I found it .

I marked myself of him . Now everyone knows that I'm Ace's.

I look up,  only to find Ace staring at me , my cheeks burn up as I look at him . His face looks smug for a moment and then he winks .

How cliche of him . I blush otherwise .

" I need to go to the loo , be back in a few . " I wave them off .

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